Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World

The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief... What you BELIEVE to be true IS true-- at least it is for you. Do you believe that the universe is a friendly place? Do you believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present Creator that has EVERYTHING under control and has NEVER made a mistake? Do you believe that you are loved? Do you believe that things ALWAYS work out in a way that furthers the greater good? Do you believe that dreams really do come true? Determine what you believe to be TRUE today-- then just believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts... It IS a wonderful life; and I give thanks for YOU today.


Close your eyes and take a mental picture of the perfect YOU... The clarity in your eyes, the health in your body, the strength of your character, the purity of your heart. Visualize the faith in your spirit, the determination in your mind, and the integrity in your speech. Now picture the LOVE that covers it all-- can you see it? Now open your eyes and go make it so. (This world needs the best version of YOU today)

Great Debate

Great day up at the prison. We announced the next phase in The Power of Peace Project. We will have a series of "Great Debates" as individual dorms will "battle" one another. A dorm will choose a representative and he will square off against another inmate in a debate forum in front of the whole group. We choose the topic, set the rules, and assign positions... In the end, the inmates will learn to use their minds and words to persuade and resolve conflict, rather than resorting to violence. We will use a round-by-round championship model... I can't wait!

Guard Your Mind

Imagine the potential of a thought. Or the power of an idea. String a few together and you have an invention, a new discovery, or a revolution... Guard your MIND today; observe your thoughts and what you allow to flow through; especially what you allow to linger. It is the space where miracles are birthed and all things are possible; but also the place of nightmares... THINK about it, and choose your thoughts wisely-- they are the raw materials of EVERYTHING we create.


I am so blessed to be able to speak to and teach so many different types of people: young and old, all colors, faiths and economic backgrounds. However, this morning was particularly special. I had the opportunity to speak to a group of autistic, young adults. These were the most intelligent, fascinating, beautiful young men that I have had the privilege to meet. I learned SO much... I felt as if I had spent a couple of hours with a group of angels; and perhaps I did.