Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World


I love a great comeback: Rocky, Rudy, The Titans, Hoosiers, Jerry McGuire, Mike Vick (that's right, I said it-- deal with it)... Will YOU be the next great comeback in 2011? I'm betting you will-- but it's YOUR bet that counts... Go for it.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Freedom Fighters

Last night at the prison I held what we called our first "Freedom Fighter Think Tank" as myself and a dozen inmates met in a small room for about two hours. We openly discussed our Dream: to reduce violence in the prison and bring about a much better quality of life for the general population. We talked about obstacles, opportunities, threats and real life issues at Hays. These young men committed themselves to truly making a difference... We spoke of the "Bloods and Crips" rivalry and subsequent truce in LA in the 90's; but most of all we discussed Dr. King's Dream and what the early Freedom Fighters' meetings and commitment must have looked and felt like. I'm very excited about the potential of non-violence through these bright, courageous young men... Stay tuned.

40 Days

Prayer Request: This evening at Hays State Prison I will be presenting a proposal to the Chaplain and Deputy Warden. The proposal is this: a pledge of 40 days of non-violence in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday. We will ask every inmate (and especially the gang leaders) to sign a covenant of non-violence; much like a truce, inside of one of the state's and nation's most violent and dangerous prisons... My hope and prayer is that this will "catch on" and we will begin a peace movement inside a very dark place, and that Dr. King's dream will stay ALIVE. Please pray with me-- who knows where it could lead!

Death Row

I was fortunate enough to spend all day on Saturday with 24 men that happen to be on Alabama's death Row. We sang, we danced, we ate two full meals together, we hung out in their tiny cells and we shared and prayed... Once again, I was reminded that there is good inside of EVERYONE (if you care to look) and that light shines brightest in the darkness. I wish you could meet some of these men one day-- maybe you will.

Love and Light

Darkness is simply the absence of light. When light shines, the darkness disappears-- no fight or struggle, it just vanishes. It's the same with evil; it is simply the absence of love. When love appears, the evil evaporates-- almost as if it is an illusion... Be the Love and Light today; darkness and hatred will flee from your presence.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

It's Time

Just for today: no excuses, no delays, no rationalizing, no denial, no blaming, no justification-- just pure responsibility, accountability and ACTION! (Go get' em)

Cath it, come alive, pass it on.


I'm amazed at the mystery; the "wonder" of it all... The more we think we know, the more we realize that we have no idea (that's why it's called FAITH). We continue to figure out that the whole thing is much bigger than we ever knew; and much smaller than we ever imagined... HE is in the details, and there are some things that maybe we will never know (until we can ask Him face to face)... Until then, I will continue to be fascinated with the wonder of it all... and just do my best to TRUST.

Unlimited Possibilities

Everything is possible for those who believe... And that means ANYTHING. What is your "anything" today? Just believe, and go look for your answer.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

HIS Perspective

Today I want to see the world the way that HE does... I wish to see people the way that He does; children the way He does; challenges, obstacles and opportunities as He does; problems, threats and adversaries like He does... Please allow me to see things the way that they really are today, not just as they APPEAR to be-- as YOU see them... All the rest is merely an illusion.

It's Coming

I am READY... Something truly wonderful is on it's way: it might show up in the form of an email, or a phone call, a chance meeting, or a headline; perhaps an announcement, or a text message-- but something outstanding is en route. I will be open, available and receptive when it arrives... Now bring it.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

It's a Good Life

Life is good... I have plenty. I am enough. I know love... Yes, life is very good; and I am grateful. (for ALL of you)


Instrument: “a means by which something is effected or done; a person used by another to gain an end; an important factor or agency in something.” Today, allow me to be an instrument for YOUR purposes… Where there is hatred, sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy… I am YOUR instrument today; just PLAY.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


The soul does not break, it BOUNCES... As long as I remain a student of life, then failures are never final. Today I will become stronger and tougher, while remaining open and teachable. Ever more resilient, perseverant and determined, while becoming more receptive, available and purposeful... There. Now, bring on the day.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

You Choose

What if today could go HOWEVER you decided it should go... How would it look; how would it feel; what would you do; who would you be? Perhaps we have much more control than we ever realized... See it, feel it, BE it. It's all up to you-- or not. You choose. (No more victims!)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Another great night at Hays State Prison last night... In the Youth Growth Group (18--30 yrs old) we held a fascinating class on the "Soul vs. Ego" -- the True Self vs. the False self. The discussion was deep and stimulating, and the men were very engaged and attentive... These young men are bright, focused and committed to change. God is up to something, and I am thrilled to be able to witness it. (More good news: the staff is now allowing me to go to the Chow Hall with the men after my weekly class-- they rarely if EVER allow guys from the "Free world" to go there!)


What is the number one DREAM of your life? Think of it like this: "Before I die, I will create, build or accomplish (blank)..." Just maybe, a little piece of EVERY day ought to go toward a little thought, action or imagination around this big goal. Just a thought... Here's to great BIG dreams.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What a great night last night at Hays State Prison. I was able to deliver my 90 minute Attitude Science message to the 64 residents in the Faith & Character Based dorm. It was such an inspiring environment as the men sat in chairs, on their bunks, on the stairs and along the upper railings (it provided a natural little amphitheater in the crowded open dorm!). They were SO respectful and attentive and I couldn't have been more encouraged-- they laughed and cheered... And this morning those same guys from the F & CB Dorm are in the Hays State Flag Football championship game... Go F&CB!! (These men inspire me)

Keep On

Don't ever quit, don't ever stop, don't ever give in, don't ever relent. Keep growing, keep changing, keep believing, keep following the dream... It matters SO much; YOU matter so much-- you are enough, and you have everything you need (Believe it)... Just keep on keeping on. Period.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I want to thank everyone who came to the "Unshackled" Book Release Party/Signing in Buckhead last night. What a great group of people and an inspiring evening. Thanks for your encouragement and support (and for all the books you bought!). And a special thanks to Author, Producer and Playwright Shelia Moses for hosting the event at the Grey Parrot Gallery (Great Venue!). Shelia was so happy with the evening that she is already planning "Unshackled 2" for those who weren't able to make it! Thanks again-- you guys are awesome.

Trust the Process

The harder we fall, the higher we BOUNCE. Turn yesterday's struggles into today's springboard... How would I know courage, if I didn't experience fear. How would I know love, without feeling some hatred. How would I know victory, without tasting defeat. And how would I ever appreciate success, without understanding failure... ALL of it is part of the plan; the grand design-- just trust the process.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Problem or Possibility. Obstacle or Opportunity. Failure or Freedom... Today's curse could very well turn out to be tomorrow's BLESSING-- it's all about how you "see" it. Adjust your LENS today and see the world from a new perspective.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Today's Aim

Today I will aim to be the best version of "me" that I can be. I will do my best to treat others as I wish to be treated. I will strive to put other's needs above my own. I will consider others better than myself. I will try to remember that everyone I come across who is "in need" is my neighbor. I'll set my focus and attention on what "can be" rather than what is... This will be no easy task. However, I commit to giving it my best shot. Care to join me?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What an incredible weekend at the prison... I saw miracles as men who were hardened and wounded, began to open up and start to trust. One man laid down a heavy burden that he has been carrying for 17 years. This faithful decision has the potential to give a family some much needed and deserved PEACE. I stand continually in awe and amazed at the life changing, all powerful, transformational Grace of God. (and very humbled to be in position to witness it)


Today about 30 volunteers from the "free world" will go on a four day intensive journey with 36 inmates on the "chain gang." We do this twice a year at this maximum security prison, and it is one of the most powerful things that I have ever been involved in. Friendships are forged, dialogues are established and foundations are laid.... In the weeks and months to come, we will build on the groundwork that is put in place over the next few days. Please pray for us-- lives will most definitely be changed. (and not just the inmates)


You're being watched today... Followed, pursued, shadowed, chased, trailed, studied, hunted and even stalked. In front and behind; on every side; above and below; through and through; as close as one can get... The good news: HE is LOVE. (Take security in that today. You CAN'T get away from Him, and believe me-- you don't want to)

A Good day

Today is a GOOD day... A new beginning; the old is gone, the new has come. Forget the past, and let go of yesterday's mistakes. Dream a big dream, and start anew. Anything is possible; the only prerequisite for victory: FAITH. Believe that you can win today; that you can overcome; that you DESERVE success; and that it will find you... Yes, today is a VERY good day.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Just Believe

EVERYTHING is possible for those who believe... What do you need, want, desire? Just believe and go and FIND it. (No need to waste time focusing on fear, worry, excuses or obstacles-- rather focus on what CAN be) Now go get 'em.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


A good friend of mine just got transferred to a work release program out of Hays State Prison. He has been praying for this day-- the first step towards his release back into the free world. He once was the most powerful gang member in the prison, and now all he wants to do is help kids stay away from the gangs. Quite a powerful transformation. God is ALIVE.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Something SPECIAL is going to happen today... I'll meet someone important to my cause; I'll overhear something significant to my mission; I'll bump into an old acquaintance with something that they need; I'll have an idea that is the missing piece to something that I've been trying to create; I'll remember something that will turn out to be important somehow; I'll be at the right place, at just the right time, to give or receive EXACTLY what is needed; what I seek is SEEKING me... Sometimes you just have to "call your shot." (go CREATE something special today)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


My friend "Snoop" who was recently released from Hays State Prison is doing great. He has a job, a drivers license, a good living situation, and he's working hard. This past weekend, even though I was in Houston, he still made it out to Church! I'm SO proud of him.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Just Maybe

What if, in the end, we discover that life was really ALL about the little things... Like holding your daughter's hand, snuggling with your wife, a good talk with your son, a conversation with a stranger who later becomes your friend, a solid day's work, a smile for a co-worker who's having a bad day, tug of war with your dog, or just a quiet moment in the sun... Maybe that's the BIG stuff. (and maybe I shouldn't stress so much about all that the world is chasing nowadays)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Today I have a CHOICE: Faith or Fear. Gratitude or Complaints. Trust or Worry. Service or Selfishness. Responsibility or Blame. Ownership or Excuses. LOVE or... My choice.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Aim High

What is your AIM today? Aim for something high and noble, significant and important, worthy and honorable... This world needs HIGH achievers, rather than those that just settle for the status quo (besides, that's boring, been done before and anyone can do that). Stretch yourself today-- we miss 100% of the shots that we DON'T take.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


So excited about the results of my "Relapse & Recidivism" course at Hays State Prison on Tuesdays (Attitude Science for inmates). 20 inmates ages 18-30, many of whom are serving life sentences, really striving to change the way they think, process information and make decisions-- all based on adjusting and rebuilding belief structures and thought patterns... They are great students!

Cath it, come alive, pass it on.


The Observer Effect: a teacher in a tough, inner city school was given a new group of students and informed that they were “gifted.” (However, they were just like all the other students at this school, which had a very high dropout rate) The Result: the students miraculously began to perform at a much higher level— even though they were not told of the experiment either. The way that the teacher “observed” this group of students actually CHANGED their behavior and performance, without them even being aware of it… How are you observing the things that you see today? Change the way you look at things and the things you look at CHANGE.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Stand Up

A good friend of mine reminded us yesterday that most people are known more for what they stand against than what they stand FOR... Over forty years ago one man led a movement based on what he stood FOR: non-violence, compassion, forgiveness and justice. When you stand up for those things, you really don't need to worry about all the other things you stand AGAINST. However, when you don't stand for something, you'll fall for just about anything-- like burning a pile of Qur'ans. (Definitely not the answer; LOVE is.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


It is impossible to be stressed and grateful at EXACTLY the same time (completely different spiritual energy and chemistry). Give it a try: focus and concentrate on the thing in your life that you are MOST grateful for. Hold it, and dwell on it... Now what was it that you were so stressed out about? It's all about focused attention. If you don't want more of something in your life, then move your attention to something you DO want more of. For whatever I focus on, expands. Good day to you!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I am excited to announce the release of my new book “Unshackled: Diary of a Prodigal Son.” For those who have ever found themselves in the “valleys” of life…

"Unshackled" takes us on the spiritual, emotional and psychological journey of a modern day prodigal son. Primed to be one of today’s spiritual leaders, Kit Cum...mings’s success as a minister ill prepared him for the dark turn his life took. Plagued by an addictive past, confronted by a disillusioned flock, and angered by a seemingly absent God, Kit left the shelter of God’s arms for the chains of worldly pursuits. Alone, depressed and on the run, Kit would experience his greatest suffering, realize his worst fears and squander the Spirit within. It took an old friend in shackles to set him on the course to true freedom and help him find his way back home. Unshackled is the true story of one man’s spiritual search that became inextricably linked to an unlikely group of random individuals on the road to Redemption. If you’ve ever been in chains and longed for the keys to true freedom, allow "Unshackled" to be your guide!

Advance Praise for Unshackled:

“Unshackled is for everyone that has been in the valley. This book will restore your soul.”
Shelia P. Moses, Author, Playwright and Producer

“Unshackled is a bona fide page-turner. As a Christian and professional athlete, I’m always looking for something to inspire me, and Unshackled did just that.”

Mack Strong, 15-year NFL Veteran and Pro Bowl Running Back

“There are many people who have spiritual comeback stories, but Kit Cummings’s approach to the redeeming power of God hits on all cylinders!”

Antonio Boyd, Vice-President North American Programs for HOPE worldwide ltd.

“With warmth and genuineness, Kit Cummings’s book Unshackled shows the grace and beauty of a spirit that never quits and tells a story that is compelling and triumphant.”

Alesia Alexander Layne, Executive Director, Project Karma, Inc.

Order Now at:

Let Go

He's everywhere, all the time. Nothing is impossible for Him, for He has all power. He knows all things and He sees all (He's never missed a thing). He's good all the time, and all the time He is good. And He IS Love... Don't you think He deserves to be TRUSTED today? He always has a plan-- it just doesn't typically unfold exactly when and how we expect it to (His ways are not our ways). Believe, trust, and LET GO-- life works better that way.

My Friend

Sunday was a good day... The man that I spoke of last week was paroled out of Hays State Prison. He is the gentleman that taught the troubled youth that tour the prison and also taught a couple of classes in the Faith & Character Program where I teach as well. He attended church with me yesterday, and we presented him with a token of our appreciation for speaking to some of our kids that visited the prison a couple of months ago. His son was with him, and the church gave him a standing ovation that lasted for what seemed like several minutes. Our church appreciates the good work he has done and his committment to the kids... Yes, Sunday was a VERY good day. (and I am honored to count him as a friend)

Good News

Today is the day for good news to be SHARED... As soon as you come across some (not if, but when) please share it with someone who could use a little "pick me up." Get the momentum moving and start a good news string-- a little HOPE movement, if you will. It's all around you; all you have to do is open your eyes and ears, and then choose to share it. I look forward to hearing from you soon-- now go find some.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

How Tough?

How tough are you? How big are your dreams; how deep is your desire; how strong is your HEART? Excuse-making, rationalization, justification and fear are going to try to kill your dreams today (or you might just be tempted to let someone else get to it). Are your dreams tougher than those distracting imposters? I hope so... Life is short and dreams make all the difference— so make yours a big one, toughen up, and GET AFTER IT.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


A good friend of mine was released from Hays State Prison yesterday on parole. He has done good work in there over the past few years (he's been incarcerated for about 15 of his 35 years), and he appears ready to not only get out, but to STAY out. He became one of the trusted inmates that would speak to the troubled kids that tour this maximum security facility (and he has a real gift). He has taught them what life is like in there, what got him there, and how to stay OUT of there. Now guess what he wants to do with his life: teach, coach and mentor kids-- and I have just the place for him. (you see, we're ALL connected and we ALL just need a little help)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Dream and GO

You can do WHATEVER you set your mind on today. Be WHO you're intended to be, go WHERE you are called to go, and do WHAT is deep in your heart to do. Just be bold and very courageous... "You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up." (That's not just good advice for the kids)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Ask, Seek and Knock

What if you could waive your magic wand, and create the life of your dreams… Experience what you wish to experience, go where you want to go, and do what your heart’s desire is to do. Perhaps we’ll get to the end and discover that we experienced basically what we desired and what we set our intention and focus upon; and that our creator meant it when He said “Ask, seek and knock.” What I think about, I begin to dwell upon. What I dwell on generates emotion. Emotion sets in and becomes a mood. That mood begins to change my vibrational energy, and then I begin to ATTRACT similar energies. Suddenly I am surrounded by things and people that compliment my original thought pattern… The lesson for me today: take note and decide carefully as to what will get my valuable attention— it may very well become my future reality.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I LOVE life. It’s a fascinating, adventurous, never dull, exhilarating ride. So much to learn, so many to meet, SO much to do... Don’t be dragged down by the “walk of the living dead” today. Rather engage them, and inject them with LIFE. It doesn’t take much: a small spark sets the whole forest ablaze. (Live life today, and continue to be amazed by the mystery in the little things— that’s the good stuff)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

True Freedom

Yesterday I began a new program that I am helping with at Hays State Prison. They are one of seven Georgia State Prisons that have developed a “Faith and Character Based Program” in order to help rehabilitate offenders (with the goal being to reduce violence in the prison and reduce recidivism for those who get back into the free world). Currently three out of every four who leave Hays re-offend and return. That is unacceptable. So yesterday they allowed me to begin my program in the dorm (this is the first time that they have allowed an outside volunteer to actually work inside the dorm on a regular basis). I am so excited and faithful that God is going to continue His good work in this place— and I’m thrilled that I’m in position to witness it. Men will be set FREE. (even if they never actually walk out from behind those walls)

The Answer

People are angry and confused. They’re tired and running out of fuel. Tempers flare and fuses are getting shorter and shorter. Where’s the peace that is promised? For many it is elusive, fleeting or absolutely non-existent... There is an answer, a real solution. It’s not a philosophy, a self-help plan or a get-rich-quick scheme. There’s no easy fix or medication for the problem that persists. He’s the real deal; the hope, the answer, the dream, the cure... He’s the only way, and the only one that can truly set you free. I tried booze and drugs and money and people and popularity— but nothing ever lasted. Always the same: hungry, angry, lonely and tired. What does this world need? A genuine Superstar. Say His name.

Butterfly Effect

The term "Butterfly Effect" is related to the work of Edward Lorenz. In 1961, Lorenz was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction, when as a shortcut on a number in the sequence, he entered the decimal .506 instead of entering the full .506127. The result was a completely different weather scenario. The Butterfly Effect is a metaphor that illustrates the possibility that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can set off a reaction that can actually alter weather patterns around the world... In the same way, OUR actions today will drastically alter the course of events forever. One conversation, gesture, act of service, favor, or chance meeting will begin a seemingly random chain of events that will create our future reality. The hesitation or reluctance to act will have different, but just as powerful ramifications. So let us choose WISELY today, and love our neighbors.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Present and Available

Somebody needs you today… Somebody will look to you for some encouragement, a kind word, an attentive ear, an extra buck, or just a timely smile. They NEED it more than you know. You might be the only one that can deliver it to them today, in just the way that you can. The question isn’t whether or not you will be needed and called upon today; the question is whether you will be PRESENT and AVAILABLE. I hope so, because somebody needs you today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Universe

“Do you believe that the Universe is a friendly place?” Einstein said that this is the most important question a person can ask him or herself (and your answer will determine SO many things about your life). If the Universe is a FRIENDLY place, then you believe it is a place of abundance, prosperity, possibility, opportunity and love; where LIFE always finds a way. However, sadly, many will live this day focused on lack, scarcity, fear, and loss (as if life were an enemy). If the Universe is a friendly place, then failures are never final and mistakes are never fatal— just building blocks and stepping stones along this fascinating adventure. Friend or Foe? Your choice will have much to say about what you ultimately FIND today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


If someone secretly followed you around all day with a hidden camera, and then showed that short film to a studio audience (who didn't know you from Adam), what would they conclude was most important to you? What would be the beliefs, values and convictions that would stand out to an objective observer? I know that sometimes I get caught up in the “urgent” and miss the very important things in life. Our legacy will be the things (and more importantly the PEOPLE) that we devoted ourselves to that REALLY mattered to us; that which will survive and outlive us... I’ll try to make today count. You?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Belief: “a principle, proposition or idea accepted as true; something believed, an opinion or conviction; confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.” Many times a belief is nothing more than a thought that has been rolled through the mind so many times that it becomes accepted as truth (though it may not be true at all). How many times have you felt something very strongly, only to later learn that it wasn’t so? Challenge your beliefs today. You may find that things aren’t always as they seem.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Blame Game

Is it me, or has the “Victim Mentality” spun completely out of control in our society. Blame shifting, excuse making, rationalizing and justifying have become the norm for most. To find someone who takes full responsibility for their lot in life, apologizes sincerely when in the wrong, and makes amends when they are able is more and more rare in today’s world. For the most part, EVERYTHING that I have in my life today (and everything that isn’t here) is the result of a choice, decision or desire on MY part. No one else is to blame for the trouble, hardship or struggles that I have found. That awareness brings power and responsibility into my life today. I have the power to CHOOSE. Let us choose wisely, accept the consequences, and quit trying to find someone else to blame. Have a good day.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Project Karma

What a great night last night at Cafe Circa! A wonderful group of people came together, the silent auction was a hit; great art, music, spoken word, food and fun... However, what was most important was that we raised awareness and support for the youth in our city who are still at risk and in danger. Many of them will choose gangs because they haven't learned how to grieve and heal their wounds. That's where Project Karma steps in... Thanks Alesia for an inspiring evening. Keep up the GREAT work!


I love a great story: movies, books, songs, plays— I just love a great story... That's why I'm so fascinated with the human experience. EVERYONE has a unique, one of a kind, never been done before STORY. And that’s why we shouldn’t prejudge; because you NEVER know what another person has been through without walking a mile in their shoes. I believe that we should honor, respect and value the other guy’s story. Maybe we should even care enough to get close and listen to what they’ve been through and where they’ve come from. Who knows— you might just learn something, get another perspective, or even gain a new FRIEND. Why not look for some inspiration in the wonderful stories you see today. (they don’t always come from the theaters or the bookshelves)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What a day yesterday... We took 18 teen age boys to Hays State Prison for a tour, which included an hour long talk given by two of the inmates. These two men grew up in the "system" because gangs and drugs had stolen their youth and innocence. Their talk about the "choices" that led them to Ga's toughest prison will not be soon forgotten by these young men. Neither will they forget their trip down to the "hole" (special management unit) and what they saw and heard there. These two gifted inmates (and friends) did some important and meaningful work yesterday... Don't forget them.


We have the power to create the day that we desire. Thoughts, beliefs, words, moods and actions are creative and extremely powerful. Set clear intentions, positive affirmations and visualize where you want to go today, who you want to meet and EXACTLY what you intend to accomplish. Quarantine and release thoughts that do not serve your purpose, and continue to SPEAK about what you are in the process of creating and manifesting in your life. (Worry, doubt, stress and fear have NO part in this process). Now, let it be DONE.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


We're taking a group of teen boys from our church on a youth tour to Hays State Prison this Wednesday. These aren't "troubled" kids, and they are doing well. But someday soon they will ALL be tempted to put themselves into a situation that could get them in trouble or put them in harm's way. Our kids see, hear, and experience things at a much younger age than we did growing up. My hope is that this tour and the things they see and hear this week will make them think twice before they get into that car, just "try it once" or consider crossing that line. Good kids get caught up in bad situations all the time-- we just need to do our best to prepare them to make the right choice when that day arrives.

Brothers In Arms

Got together yesterday with a group of my brothers and best friends to work out a disagreement. After a couple of hours we were more unified, stronger and closer than we were before the conflict. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." I am honored and grateful to have these men in my life-- we have each other's back. (and I'd go into battle with each and every one of them)


Routine: “an unvarying and constantly repeated formula, as of speech or action; convenient or predictable response; regular, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure.” There’s nothing wrong with routines; in fact, we need routines in order to be efficient, effective and productive. However, sometimes routines turn into “Ruts.” Keep doing what you’ve always done, and you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. (Take a risk today. Try something new, or do something old in a NEW way— it’ll change your perspective)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

My Boy

My son went with me to speak at the Atlanta Union Mission last night. He connected so well with the guys there. On the way home he told me that he can't wait until he's old enough to go into the prisons with me to work with the men there. I can't tell you how proud I am of him-- at 15 he's already developing a heart for helping those who long to be free (that's not exactly where my head was at that age). God is SO good.


I'm looking forward to speaking to all of the MCA's for the KW Southeast Region this afternoon. The subject: "STRESS." Stress is more of an internal battle than an external reality. Whatever I RESIST, I strengthen; whatever I focus on EXPANDS. So today I will make a conscious decision to release the things that do not make me stronger and better, and to give my valuable attention to the things that I want MORE of in my life. (When I do that, stress tends to take care of itself)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Real You

Imagine yourself EXACTLY the way that you wish to be. I mean the absolute BEST version of you... Body fit, eyes clear and sharp, mind focused and relaxed. Healthy and trim, strong and determined. Solid and balanced, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Not worried or stressed, but joyful, peaceful and resolute. Now hold that vision for a moment, FOCUS and imprint it onto your brain-- take a snap shot. Got the picture? That picture IS you. It’s the real you, without anything to clutter you up. It’s the YOU that’s waiting to be revealed. You just have to spend time creating yourself, like you just did. That powerful picture can change your life; you just have to remember to pull it up from your mind’s eye and look at it throughout the day. (Release the REAL you)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Who Are You

"You’re awesome. You can do anything that you set your mind to. Nothing can stop you. When God made you, He broke the mold. You’re gifted. You’re intelligent. You have everything you need. You are JUST RIGHT. All you need to do is believe in yourself, and you can be whatever you want to be." That’s what we tell our kids when they’re growing up. But somewhere along the way the doubt sets in, and we begin to listen to a different message. “You’re no good. You’ll never amount to anything. Why even try. You’re a failure.” The words you use and the way you address yourself today will go a long way to determining what you receive and ultimately experience in your life. Manage your self-talk, respect yourself, and you remove the LIMITS.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Star Burst

Deep thoughts (I mean REALLY deep)... A billion years ago a star dies and explodes into a powerful burst of light energy. That light travels at 186,000 miles per second for a billion years before it finally reaches our planet, and we see it as one of many stars in the night sky. That star didn’t really die then, a billion years ago, did it? Energy just changed forms (into pure light) and began to travel— very fast. As a matter of fact, that light is STILL traveling at the same speed, as it stretches the known Universe. So the question is: does that star EVER really die? Hmmmm...

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Scared Straight

I'm on my way up to the prison to watch an inmate and good friend teach troubled youth in this maximum security prison’s version of “Scared Straight.” He has done significant “time” but used it to better himself. He has become a good speaker and developed some useful skills, which will serve him well upon his release (which will be soon). People CAN change, and many do. Excuses are typically for people who are not interested in being transformed and set free (and I'm not referring to those behind bars).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Independence: “freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others; the state or quality of being independent.” It’s hard to imagine this great nation being dependent on anyone. In this great land of ours people are FREE to think, speak, work, live and act in a manner that seems right to them. The pursuit of liberty and happiness is our God given right. But that right didn't come cheap. Many people have paid a heavy price so that you and I can boldly express the freedom that we enjoy. We should show some gratitude this weekend and honor those past and present who sacrificed, so that we can follow our dreams-- whatever they may be. Most people in the world don’t enjoy such freedom. Salute!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional: “complete, unqualified, categorical; not limited by conditions, absolute.” We live in a world ruled by CONDITIONS. Our schools, jobs, sports, military, even our churches: play by the rules, stay between the lines, do things the right way-- and you’ll get what you want. Work hard and you’ll get ahead; arrive early, stay late and you’ll get promoted; don’t break the rules and you’ll be rewarded... But LOVE is not supposed to work that way. We ALL want love to be unconditional. We all need for love to be freely given— especially if it’s undeserved. Love somebody today who needs it, but doesn’t DESERVE it. It’ll set you free.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Risk Takers

Risk: “exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance; to venture upon, or run the chance of.” Are you a risk-taker? Are you willing to take a chance, or are you more about playing it SAFE... Where would you be in life without taking calculated risks? I’m married to a wonderful woman; I have incredible children; I get to do for a living what I would do for free; and the list goes on. Those are all blessings (that I do not deserve) that came as the result of taking a RISK. She could have said no; childbirth can be dangerous; I could have settled for any old job— but the risk was worth the REWARD. Don’t be afraid of the unknown today; step out there and do something you’ve never done. Who knows where it will lead?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Walk a Mile

Walk a mile in another man’s shoes, and then you’ll be able to see what he REALLY needs... We live in a world that feels the need to label and judge and to put just about everything into nice, tight, separate little boxes. Its human nature: much easier to categorize people into “those people” and “them” which allows me just to deal with me and “mine.” The problem is that nobody really fits into any of these little boxes. Life’s not neat and ordered like that. EVERYONE has a story. Nobody just woke up one day and went to prison, or chose the streets, or got addicted. It's a process, and everyone has reasons for what they do and where they stand. Let’s care enough to walk alongside them before we judge. Then we can see what they REALLY need. (That is, if we really care.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Are you one of those folks that says people don’t REALLY change? I hear that from time to time: “He’ll never change. That man is beyond redemption.” Well I don’t believe it— I happen to believe that ANYONE can change... The problem is that if you don’t think others can change, then deep down you don’t believe that YOU can change. Last weekend I met a man on death row that really wants to change, and who knows, maybe he will. Anyone who possesses true desire, courage and faith can change ANYTHING. Believe it today— it’ll change the way you see the world. (Everything is possible for him who believes)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Never Boring

Thank God for an interesting ride... Twists and turns, ups and downs, bumps and curves in the road: but NEVER boring. Friends and strangers, drama and suspense, questions sometimes unanswered: but NEVER boring. Pleasure and pain, faith and fear, highs and lows: but thankfully NEVER boring... Sometimes we long for comfort, security, and smooth sailing. But if we had it like that all the time, you know what most of us would be? Spoiled and bored; begging for a CHANGE. Thank God for an interesting ride.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Take a moment and think about the creation process... I have a thought, and it lingers. I begin to let that thought roll, and then I dwell on it and begin to concentrate. Depending on the nature of that thought, my emotions begin to change. Those emotions create a mood. That mood begins to change my perspective and my dialogue. As I begin to speak about the things I feel, a mindset and an attitude has been forged. Typically, at this point I begin to ACT according to my disposition. And I begin to CREATE what I have imagined and invented in my mind... Pay attention to what you dwell on today— you’ll most likely see it show up in your life SOON.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


You want to be FREE? Find your gratitude and go and serve someone who really needs help today. In serving you will lose yourself, temporarily forget your problems, and come alive as you willingly offer yourself to someone who needs some love. It’s the secret to true joy and liberation. Be a GIVER today. (And the unintended consequence is that you will open up the flow of abundance into your own life as well— everybody wins)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Father's Day

I miss my Dad... Gone too soon (Jan 15, 1988). I wish he could have met my children, my wife and my friends. I wish he could have been a part of my life's work. However, I KNOW that God's plan is perfect, and I trust Him. Dad, I love you, and I hope to make you proud and leave an honorable legacy... Happy Father's Day.

Game Seven

There’s something about a "Game Seven." Teams find out what they’re made of... Who can stand the heat; who can best handle the pressure. Who can fight through the pain; because it’s win or go home. Who has the best game plan. Who makes the necessary adjustments. Which players handle their roles the best and stick together through adversity. Maybe most importantly: who will be able to stay focused when the stress comes; when the game is on the line... Yes, there’s something about a Game Seven. We’ll all be tested in the same ways today— we just won’t have millions of people watching. Stay calm, focused, under control, and just stick to the game plan.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What (or who) REALLY matters to you? I mean if you break it down, what truly motivates you? Why not allow THAT to bring out the best in you today. We all need continual reminders of what really matters, why we do what we do, and what it’s truly all about (sometimes only the urgent gets our valuable attention). One day as we look back over the course of our lives, there will most likely only be a few precious things that REALLY mattered. Let’s try to focus on those things today, and let everything else connect, support and reinforce the GOOD stuff.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Carpe Diem

Without dreams, all we have is our present reality... Aim high, shoot for the moon, go for a personal best. Why not try something that’s never been done before? Stretch yourself to a new maximum. Imagination is the beginning of EVERY worthwhile venture, achievement, or invention. In the end, we won't regret the things we DID nearly as much as the things we DIDN'T do... Bag the status quo— go for the gusto!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Unlovable

Anyone can love the “easy” to love. It’s loving the unlovable; that’s the trick. Well-behaved children, sweet elderly people, kind neighbors; that’s the easy part. What about the guy in the office that you just can't stand. What about the girl down the hall that gets on your last nerve. Or what about the one who has offended you, disrespected you, or just ignored you— got any love left for them? The "loveable" are EASY to love. It doesn’t take anything special to show them some extra care. But the unlovable— when we begin to show them some love, that’s when we begin to become like HIM.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What would we do without the tough times? We wouldn’t know what we are made of... Adversity tests the quality of our work. The muscle must be pushed and broken down for it to strengthen and grow. If there were no trials, we would never learn to persevere and never attain true maturity. Even tragedy brings out the best in the human race: a compassion is revealed that we may not even be aware of. I know this: I never grew much during the “good times” (though I did enjoy them). But it was the hard times that produced the significant changes. Maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to whine and complain about the tough times— they might very well be the answer to our prayers. (Consider it pure Joy)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Just Do It

Go ahead, do what you know you ought to do. That thought that keeps popping into your head; more than just a good idea, or a hunch-- it's a gut feeling, prompting you, pushing you, stalking you, to get on with it. Perhaps it's your destiny? You'll never know if you don't get out there and try. Some of the greatest accomplishments, inventions and movements began in precisely the same way: just a little "feeling" that wouldn't go away. (An idea whose time had come)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Love & Light

Darkness is nothing but the absence of light, and evil is merely the absence of love. Overcome darkness and evil with LOVE and LIGHT— opposing forces cannot stand against the most powerful force in the universe. You possess that power as you go about your day today. (Try not to keep it to yourself)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


How big is your imagination? There's your ceiling. (Hopefully there's alot of room between here and there) "You can't depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus."

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Revival: restoration to life, consciousness, vigor, strength; a time of reawakened interest.” I am witnessing an awakening... Do you believe it's possible? Do you believe that one person at a time, individuals can come back to life and start a collective revival? I’m SEEING it: a gang banger who has become a peacemaker; a homeless junkie who has been set free from addiction; convicted felons finding true liberation, while surrounded by danger. Don’t believe all the hype, and just LET GO of your best excuses— I am seeing true CHANGE sweep across the land. Don’t you wanna be part of it? (Just open your eyes and you’ll see the signs)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Press On

“But ONE thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize.” Wow. What if I can live like that today? What a difference it would make. FORGETTING the things that hold me back and try to keep me down. EMBRACING that which lies ahead: my purpose and my destiny. Pressing on and NOT giving up— keeping my eye on the prize set before me. Sounds like a good mission statement for today. I believe that I’m IN. (you with me?)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What I dwell on long enough, I begin to believe. What I believe, I begin to expect. What I expect, I begin to unconsciously LOOK for. And what I look for, I tend to FIND. It all begins with what I dwell on today. So I will focus my conscious attention on what is true, real, and present-- and what I want in my life. After that, it's all fairly simple: SEEK, and you shall find.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What is something that you REALLY want; I mean really, really... Why not take some time today and visualize the realization of that dream. Develop some affirmations or “Power Statements” that surround and support your vision becoming a reality. Share your dream with a friend, who will supportively hold you accountable. Then take one action step TODAY to confirm your commitment to your mission... Focus, visualization, affirmation and accountability—that’s what dreams are made of. Go GET it.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

You Matter

You are loved and you MATTER— especially when you don’t really feel like it... You’re just right, just the way you are. Every quirk, every imperfection; you are just the way that you were intended to be. Celebrate the wonderful, beautiful, UNIQUE you today. There will never be another one— the world couldn’t handle it... Take a minute and admire how well your creator did His work— He makes NO mistakes.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What’s your BEST excuse for why you can’t do what you REALLY believe you should be doing? I mean your most sophisticated, well-documented, thoroughly researched excuse. At the end of the day, it’s still just an excuse... Excuses are basically fancy ways to explain away why I’m not doing what I REALLY want to do. Bag it; sack the excuse; do the thing; make the call; send the email; bust a move (old school); no regrets... Unless of course, the excuse is part of a well-formulated, fine-tuned life strategy that happens to be working at the moment. I’m just sayin.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at CHANGE... Obstacles or Opportunities? Problems or Possibilities? Barriers or potential Breakthroughs? It all depends on my perspective. Perception IS reality, and the way that I SEE things today will absolutely determine what I find and ultimately receive... We are continually creating: the thoughts that we dwell on; the things that capture our imagination; the words that come out of our mouths— all part of the creation process. So today I will CHOOSE to look at life in a way that empowers me and allows me to create the reality that I desire... Care to join me?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Watch What You Give

Make sure that whatever you give away today, is what you want MORE of; because it ALL comes back. Joy, peace, love, money-- it’ll all come back to you… Trouble, stress, anger and frustration-- back atcha! The more you give, the more you RECEIVE. So you might want to pay attention to what you give away today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Go For It

So, just what are you waiting for? A bolt of lightning; a booming voice from the heavens; angels and a blue shaft of light? The greatest ideas come from inside. It’s not just believing; it’s “knowing.” The tough part is having the guts to take your shot after you already KNOW what you want to do… Here’s to having the courage to make your dreams come true. (Go for it; you know you want to)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Don't Waste Your Pain

Don’t waste your pain... Pain is a part of life. Trials, hardship and suffering come and go, and life is filled with things we can’t always understand. However, if you’ve lived on this planet very long, you know that pain makes us stronger, IF we are trained by it... If there were no bad days, then there would really be no "good" days. (How would I know the difference?) The bad days help me appreciate the good ones. Debt helps me appreciate wealth. Sickness allows me to enjoy health. No pain, no gain; no guts, no glory... So today, when I am tested, I will try to remember that trials are the good stuff; they make me into the person that I SAY I want to be.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Take Your Shot

I have a confession to make: I love American Idol. There, I said it… 100,000 people try out in cities all over the country. So many kids with so much talent; nobodies, willing to take their shot. Some get embarrassed, most are heartbroken, many are ridiculed and mocked, but they still take their shot. Then a kid like Lee Dewyze comes along: working in a paint store outside of Chicago. Barely enough belief in himself to even try out. Along the way he starts to get some confidence (but he still thinks he’s going to get voted off every week). Then he has a moment like last night. He's become a STAR. People love him. He has learned to use his God given gift, and he has been discovered… What if EVERYONE took their shot? Figure out what YOU have to give, and give it FULLY; not worrying about embarrassment, rejection or ridicule. Who knows what could happen?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

No Worries

What if I erased ALL fear, doubt and worry from my day today. How would my day be different? What if ALL my energy, attention and focus went toward my dreams, desires, creativity, opportunity and possibility? Fear, worry and doubt are only obstacles, hindrances and unwanted enemies to my dreams. Why give them my very valuable attention today. Does focusing on what MIGHT happen lessen the chances of that thing happening? (or perhaps increase the possibility instead) I don’t know about you, but today I’ll focus on what I intend to create, and do my best to leave the worrying to someone else.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


What an incredible weekend in DC spending time with other faith based, non-profit leaders and volunteers from across the country and around the world. We collaborated and shared with one another how we can better serve the poor, free the oppressed and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. I am truly inspired and filled with new HOPE. A few really CAN make a difference— just find your desire, make yourself available, and GET INVOLVED. Do you want a revolution?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

No Fear

Don’t let fear stand in your way today… Science tells us that there are only two truly innate fears: fear of heights and fear of loud noises (we are born with these, for obvious reasons). However, there are now over 2000 classified “phobias” which are learned as we experience life. As I see it, one of our most important life works is unlearning irrational fears, so that we can have the lives that we desire. 99% of the things that we fear NEVER come to pass; so don’t let them stop you today... At the end of our lives, we won't regret the things that we DID nearly as much as the things that we DIDN’T do.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Blessings or Curses?

Once upon a time, a poor old man had a horse. He loved the horse, and although many tried to buy it, he wouldn’t sell. One day the horse broke out and ran away. The people of the village told the man he was cursed, that he should have sold the horse while he had the chance... One day the horse returned with a dozen more. The people of the village told the man he was surely blessed, and now the richest man in town... The man’s only son went out to break the horses, but broke his leg. The people came out and said, “Now we KNOW you are cursed. Your only son is now laid up and you have no one to work the fields...” War broke out in a neighboring country and all the young men were sent out to fight. The old man’s son couldn’t go because of his leg. The people said “Now we know that you are truly blessed, for our sons will die and yours is safe at home.” The old man replied: “We know not whether it is a blessing or a curse; we just know that he broke his leg.” Today’s curse might just be tomorrow’s blessing— try not to judge before the appointed time.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Vigilant: “keenly aware, wary; ever awake and alert; sleeplessly watchful.” What a great word. And an even better state: to walk through this day, not asleep, but fully awake and fully aware; fully prepared to make the most of every opportunity and to discern what is BEST. Today countless people, ideas, prosperity, fortune and potential will come across our path. We just need to be awake and alert so that we do not MISS it. Here’s to recognizing that answered prayer today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


ANYTHING is possible today. Unlimited potential and infinite possibilities… The determining factor? Faith. The limiting factor: lack thereof... The bigger your God, the smaller your problems. How big is YOUR God today? (Huge, I tell ya, HUGE.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I'm continually blown away by God’s amazing grace. Yesterday I was able to see my friend Omar baptized into Christ. They wouldn’t allow me to do the honors, due to the fact that they are currently holding many high profile gang members at this facility, and they felt as if I would be a “high risk hostage opportunity.” However, they did allow me to officiate through the glass and over the phone, as a wonderful officer helped with the proceedings. They even allowed Omar to wear WHITE, which they NEVER do, as he was immersed. Yes, even inside a maximum security facility, surrounded by danger, God provides a way... I can’t wait to see what He’s going to do next.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Cinco De Mayo

The 5th of May, 1862… A rag-tag group of about 5000 Mestizo and Zapotec Indians defeated almost twice as many superior French forces in the Battle of Puebla. This day symbolizes freedom, liberation and unity for our brothers to the South. Who knows, if young Mexico doesn’t stand up to Napoleon III and eventually win their freedom, then maybe our own civil war goes a different way and our nation is ripped apart? (As the French were committed to our destruction as well) Maybe we should take a moment today and celebrate our own freedom along with them— for gratitude is a powerful force.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

No Fear

He’s there. He cares. And that’s enough... Worrying doesn’t make Him love us any more than He already does, because He can’t. But it does get in the way of our ability to SEE Him work. Here’s to Faith instead of Fear today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Just Change

I’ve recently gotten to know a man who teaches kids what they need to know in order to avoid coming to the place where he now lives. Some of those kids listen and learn, and just maybe they avoid prison… This man was raised by a career criminal. By the time he was a toddler, his dad was using him to crawl through windows and open front doors— breaking and entering, instead of happy meals. He has changed, and now he is making a difference. Today, many people will make excuses and blame others for their inability to change. I wonder what this brother would say. (Excuses are typically for people who don’t want to change)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Ego vs. Soul

Your ego will tell you that you’re all alone today; your soul will tell you you’re not. Your ego will try to defend, protect and criticize; your soul wants to connect, trust and collaborate. The ego is the false self which is constructed by what you do, what you have and what others think of you; the soul is the true self, eternal and one. The ego must exist by living in the past or the future-- obsessing on what was, or worrying about what is to come; the soul is ever present, living in the eternal NOW... Which will you identify with today? Ego-mania or soul-power? Your choice.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Just Let It Go

Just let it go: that irrational fear that’s been keeping you up at night; you know there’s just as much of a chance of your big break coming, as that thing you fear happening... Just let it go: that grudge that’s stealing your joy; resentment is hurting you much more than the person that you’re bugged at... Just let it go: that excuse that's keeping you from doing what you know you need to do; that excuse could just be a convenient way to hold onto your fear... Just LET IT GO. Today is the day to move on, break through, get on with it, and do your thing. (It would be a shame to let that "one little thing" stand in the way of your dream— so just let it go)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Follow Your Dream

That THING you’ve given up on, you know what I mean: that idea, that project, that dream, that once in a lifetime shot... What happened to it? "Not enough time, it’s too hard, I don’t have any help, I’m too busy, I don't have enough..." Lots of reasons not to get around to it. But it keeps bugging you, and it keeps popping up. Maybe it’s not supposed to go away. Maybe it's your destiny. Keep chasing your dream. Follow your passion. Life’s too short... In the end, we won’t regret the things we DID nearly as much as the things we DIDN’T do. (Just listen, and follow)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Expect It

I’m looking for a “break” today… You know what I mean: that next open door; just the right person for that next big project; that missing connection; the perfect fit for that special need. The phone WILL ring, the email WILL arrive, the door WILL knock— any minute now… Oh yes, it IS coming. What I seek is already seeking me, and I’m looking for that next big thing. Are you with me? You’ll find what you look for as well.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


MAKE it a great day today… Find someone to encourage. Hold the door open for someone. Smile when someone cuts you off in traffic. Introduce yourself to a stranger. Laugh loudly and OFTEN. Call someone and tell them you love them. Make a new friend. Write a note, say a prayer, show up early, stay a little late, go the extra mile… Today is YOURS to make it however you choose. Set your day in motion, and whenever someone tries to change the direction, just RESET. Salute!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Desire: “to long or hope for; to express a wish for; to feel the loss of.” I believe that change begins with desire (good or bad). We become AWARE of the need for something or someone; we begin to think and dwell upon that lack or empty space that we wish to fill; as we fix our thoughts on our desire, our emotions join the will and we begin to create change... Change is a powerful force that we need not be afraid of (it will happen whether we embrace it or not). Today I will do my best to align my desires with those of my Creator, for we tend to CREATE what we desire. (and He knows what will make me truly happy, joyous and free)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Hidden Resources

There are beautiful gifts, immense resources, and natural power inside of each and EVERY one of us; we just need to know where to look and how to access it. I just happen to have found it inside a wonderful group of individuals at a maximum security prison... Don’t assume that all of these men are beyond redemption, just because most of them have been forgotten. I have once again been reminded that God saves some of His BEST work for places that you would least expect to find Him.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Just Give

Whatever we GIVE in this life tends to keep showing up, so that we can have even more of THAT to give… Give your love, and more love shows up; give joy, and more joy arrives; give peace, and more and more peace comes to you. However, the opposite is also true: give stress, and more stress shows up; give anger, and angry people will FIND you; give worry, and worry will be your companion… It’s a universal law— with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. So today, I choose to give love, joy and peace. (because I want some more of that “good stuff” to keep showing up)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Brand New

Today is a brand NEW day: a day for new thoughts, new ideas, new opportunities, new friendships, new breakthroughs, new accomplishments, new possibilities, new goals, new strategies, new LIFE… Why do things like you’ve always done? Try something new: keep doing what you've always done and you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. What’ve you got to lose? (Just old habits, old routines, and old excuses.) He’s making EVERYTHING new; here’s to joining Him today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Tomorrow we go into Hays State Prison for four days to meet with 36 inmates who we haven’t worked with before. Over the weekend friendship and trust will be built and a spiritual foundation will be laid, as we spend about 14 hours a day together with these men who are trying to change. Please pray for breakthroughs to be forged and barriers to be broken down. I believe that ANYBODY can change, and I look forward to witnessing powerful new beginnings this weekend.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

It's a Good Life

Life is good. I have plenty. I AM enough… Today will be filled with surprises and adventure; meeting new people, discovering new things and learning more all the time. I will be present and try to make the most of every moment; remaining grateful for this opportunity to live. (You’re also invited)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

No Excuses

Sing your song. Dance your dance. Run your race. Take your shot... Speak up; make a move; create a shift... Laugh loud, love ALOT, and play hard. Live your best life NOW... What have you got to lose? (Only your excuses.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Grief: “keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow, painful regret." Grief comes in many forms and we grieve in many different ways. Grief comes as a result of loss, and in this life we lose many things along our journey. The problem is that we don’t necessarily learn how to grieve in a healthy way, so we just learn to cope and survive as best we can... Some stuff it; others deny it; some medicate it; others blame it; some hide it; while still others “act out.” There's no text book answer to our pain, and no "right" way. Mainly we just need to have a safe place to feel, express, process and heal— and that takes time, understanding and trusted relationships.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I want to be free; completely and utterly free. That means I must rid myself of all bitterness, resentment and any grudge that might reside in my heart. Bitterness grows when I have unforgiveness in my heart; but when I forgive, I release that person and set myself free in the process... Who is there in my life that needs my forgiveness? (it could be myself) Who do I need to release today? Resentment is a poison that I drink, while hoping to make you sick. Today I will search my heart and clean it out, so that light can shine there and I can truly walk through this day as a FREE man. I wish the same for you.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Mental Discipline

I'll have over 50,000 unique thoughts today (and so will you). Each one of those thoughts carries the potential to affect and change my emotional balance. Some thoughts create gratitude, while others bring sadness. Some will generate joy, while others carry shame. Some thoughts will produce peace, and others promote panic... If I OBSERVE my thought patterns today, I can actually manage my emotions. One thought does not necessarily have to “roll” and gather steam and reproduce similar thoughts. I can CHOOSE to focus my mental attention on whatever makes me stronger, better and more powerful. My thinking changes my feelings; my feelings affect my actions; and my actions direct my outcomes.

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Quite a learning experience up at the prison yesterday… I was able to go on the rounds and visit the men that are locked up in solitary confinement (a very different feel from the rest of the camp). They are isolated for 23 hours a day, and then put in cages for an hour a day for exercise. Then I witnessed a fight in the cafeteria right before I taught my class there (too close for comfort). All in all, a very real reminder of the reality of where those men live and what they face on a daily basis… I am more resolved than ever to better learn how to help them and to try somehow to make a difference in that place— God is the only answer.

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If you look you will see many examples of courage today… Some will make a courageous move into a field and follow their dreams. Others will continue to do something that they don’t really enjoy in order to support their loved ones (which is honorable and courageous as well). Some will stand up to right a wrong in the face of danger. Others will fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves. Some will speak up and say something that has long needed to be said. Others will quietly say "no" to a temptation that no one will ever even be aware of. And many courageous souls will get up after a tough stretch, beaten and worn down, and go back yet again... Here’s to the courageous ones today— Salute!

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There has never been, nor will there ever be, a day just like today... Deals will be struck; partnerships will be forged; invitations will be extended; transactions will be completed; disputes will be settled; victories will be won; relationships will be repaired; miracles will happen… The real question: will YOU be in position to see it as it comes to pass? There is endless abundance everywhere, and there's SO much to go around for everybody (don’t believe all the hype). Find your gratitude, and open the flow to allow the “plenty” to FIND you.

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Yesterday, for basketball fans, David almost slew Goliath. Tiny Butler, with about 5000 students, came one shot “off the rim” away from beating mighty Duke in the National Championship game. Duke has All-Americans sitting on its bench; Butler is the school nobody’s heard of-- until now… Yesterday a young man’s dream came true: rookie Jason Heyward hit a three run homer in his first big league at-bat for the Atlanta Braves. He lived up to all the hype. Dreams really do come true… Today you’ll get your "shot." Maybe not so many people will be watching, but you’ll still take your shot. Make it count. (Lets hear it for the Underdogs)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Today’s choice: No grasping, no clinging, no attaching, no resisting, no craving, no judging… Just BEING. Human BEING… Now that sounds like a good day— stay in the moment and just “Be.”

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Today is all about miracles... Anything is possible. Nothing is impossible. Possibilities abound. All day long I am surrounded by ENDLESS possibilities. When my back is against the wall, and I seemingly have no more hope; when I am up against an impossible situation, and I have exhausted all efforts and options; when I am surrounded by the enemy, and there appears to be no way out; that's when my God does His BEST work. That is what today means to me: Hope and miraculous POWER... I hope you make the most of yours.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Had a good LAUGH lately? Laughter lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow, reduces stress hormones, increases disease killing cells, defends against respiratory infections, increases memory and learning, and improves alertness and creativity— not to mention the fact that it beats the heck out of COMPLAINING. So laugh a little, dance a little, LIVE a little, and try not to take yourself so doggone seriously today. Relax and enjoy the ride; it might just save your life.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Letting Go

What if we just let go? I mean REALLY “let go.” Just let go of the fear, and all of the resentment that poisons us. Let go of the worry of what MIGHT happen tomorrow, and the sorrow of what DID happen yesterday. Let go of the rat race, and the need to get ahead of the next guy. Let go of the stress and anxiety that comes from the need to control. Let go of the attachment to things that really aren’t ours anyway. Let go of yesterday, tomorrow and the illusion of everything other than TODAY. How would our lives be different, if we just LET GO. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try it. (For it is in letting go, that I am truly free)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Last week my fourteen year old son asked me to give him a challenge to help him stay focused on doing the right thing at school. I suggested that he look for evidence of God in everything and everybody he saw; for He is all around us. He came up with some pretty cool stuff… When asked why she did what she did, Mother Theresa replied: “Each day I rise and go into the streets of Calcutta and search for God, in all His hideous disguises.” If you look for Him, you'll see Him today. (Sometimes we just need to use 14 year old eyes)

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The salmon swims upstream for a thousand miles and finds the exact place where it was spawned to lay its eggs and die. The bear wanders out to the right place in the stream to wait for the salmon to arrive from its long journey. The salmon doesn’t complain or fret over its lot in life, or its arduous struggle. The bear doesn’t retreat to the cave after an unsuccessful day of fishing and worry about the future, filled with self doubt. We humans do these things... Maybe we can learn a lesson from nature today, and just TRUST the process, stay in the PRESENT, and do what we KNOW to do.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I’m a big believer in the importance of attitude, perspective and rising above the victim mentality... This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to meet some of the finest examples of this when I spoke to a group of Brain Injury Survivors at Southern Regional Hospital (I love the fact that they call themselves “survivors” and not victims). These are some of the most beautiful, courageous, and optimistic individuals that I have had the pleasure of working with. It reminds me that ANYONE can change, and we can ALL find purpose in this sometimes “roller coaster” existence. I salute them, and hope that we can imitate their attitude this day.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I’m excited... Today I get the privilege of speaking at Southern Regional Hospital to a group of brain injury victims and health care professionals. I have and will again make it clear that I am NOT a Doctor (I don’t even play one on TV!), but they still want me to speak about attitude and mindset— which I LOVE to do. I am convinced, and science has proven that the mind has tremendous capabilities to repair, reprogram and rewire itself according to how we think, react, respond and experience life— so I’ll talk about how I’ve seen that principle at work in my life and the people I work with... However, I’m the most excited about meeting these wonderful people and spending some precious time with them— I’m a lucky man.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Live Life

Today’s CHOICE: I will notice and appreciate what comes before me today. I will EXPERIENCE it. I will really “see” what comes into my path today: the sights, the colors, the shapes, all the unique individuals... I will try to “listen” to all who speak to me today; the sounds, the words, the music all around me... I will pay attention to the smells that I encounter today: the good ones, the bad ones, the evidence of humanity and nature... I will take the time to “taste” the food that I eat today: not in too big a hurry to miss the simple pleasures... I will “feel” the emotions that pass through me today as I encounter people, places and things on my journey... I wonder how many times I’ve missed the wonderful sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings around me, in me and through me, just because I was trying to get “somewhere else.” I’ll choose to stay PRESENT today... Care to join me?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Labor of love

“Fear knocked at the door... Love answered, and there was no one there.” Perfect love drives out fear, and fear tends to be the biggest enemy of success and victory... Why not focus on the aspects of your work that you LOVE today. Take your focus and attention off of the things that you fear: the challenges, obstacles or what MIGHT happen, and focus solely on your target. Find the love in your labor, for that IS true success.

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Some find Him in their fear. Others find Him in their pain. Some find Him in their victory, and others in their shame. Some find Him in the darkness, when they feel all alone. Others find Him in the crowd, or in a place they never intended to roam... The whole point down here? Just FIND Him. He's not far; He's everywhere, all the time, and He's been following you all along. (Sometimes all we need to do is open our eyes)

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What do I REALLY believe is possible today? Can good fortune really just show up? Can the person that really needs my help the most just happen to meet me? Can just the right opportunity for my family magically appear? Can the perfect idea that will take my work to the next level just pop into my head? Can I have a day of ridiculous success and victory? What I BELIEVE is possible today, makes ALL the difference. Why can’t ALL those things show up in my life today? I believe they can, and perhaps they will. (Go find it, it’s looking for you)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I'm on my way to spend time this morning speaking to a large group of teens. This generation needs purpose, power and passion more than ever... The brain is ALWAYS learning, and pays careful attention to what WE pay attention to. It rewires and reprograms itself according to what WE show is most important to us. Focus on drama, negativity and stress all day, and THAT is what your brain is learning, wiring and searching for MORE of. Don't give your valuable time, energy and attention today to things you do not want MORE of. Seek what you truly desire, for it is seeking you.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Cinderella Stories

March Madness... I love it. Because anything can happen: any team can win on any given night; upsets are the norm; and nothing is a “given.” Real life is a lot like that: great comebacks really do happen; the “favorite” doesn’t always prevail; David sometimes slays Goliath... People love an underdog and typically pull for a great comeback. That’s good news for you and me today. It means that the odds don’t really matter and anything IS possible. Go write your own “Cinderella Story” today— we’re all pullin’ for you.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Character: “the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing; moral or ethical quality; qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity.” We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, HOPE. And hope does not disappoint us... What people need right now is hope. Let’s not be so quick to complain and spread the bad news out there. Suffering and perseverance are doing their good and important work, so that we can have strong character and lots of much needed HOPE. Trials are never fun or comfortable, but they are very important. Let’s try not to waste them today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Momentum: “force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events: The car gained momentum going downhill. Her career lost momentum after two unsuccessful films.” Everything we do today will affect momentum: thoughts, emotions and actions; these determine the course of our day. The CHOICES we make today will either increase our momentum, or shift our energy in another direction. Today I will choose carefully and continue to build positive momentum, as I create space for good news to show up in my life... Go FIND some great news today— it’s all around you.

catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Imagine yourself at the end of your days. A long life, well-lived; your body worn, but still beautiful. Eyes focused, with the wisdom and strength that come from experience. A deep spirituality, born out of many years of living, learning and growing. This old soul KNOWS what is and isn’t so important... Now ask that older, wiser “you” if the things that you’re so worried about today will matter when you get to that future place in time. Sometimes a little perspective makes ALL the difference. Now, I’ll go and try to focus on the things that REALLY matter today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Open Doors

People pray. Doors open. Sometimes we walk through. Strangers become friends. Doors close again. We worry and fret, and pray some more. New doors open. We run through. Now we have a story to tell. Friends become partners along our journey... The lesson? Look for the open doors; don’t worry about the ones that close; find a friend; learn to TRUST the process (God is good ALL the time, all the time God IS good).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Overcome: “to gain the victory, win, conquer; to overpower or overwhelm; to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; to prevail over the opposition, debility, or temptations.” I LOVE being around Over-Comers. I am blessed to be surrounded by them all the time, and they INSPIRE me. Men who are overcoming drug and alcohol addiction; incarcerated men who are overcoming unbelievable odds as they rehabilitate broken lives; kids who are overcoming abuse and neglect in the inner city neighborhoods; and professionals who are overcoming economic obstacles and opposition as they rebuild or relaunch their careers... Here’s to those who will find the courage and power deep within themselves to OVERCOME today (you are the true, unsung heroes).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Today is a VERY important day... You are needed, and there is very important, specific work to be done. There are things that need to be said. There are people who need to be met. There are tasks that need to be accomplished. There are individuals that need to be heard. There are deeds that need to be done. There are souls that need to be served. There are sacrifices that need to be made. There is a life that needs to be lived... And who will speak, listen, act, serve, love and give, if not you and me? Yes, today is a VERY important day. Please show up and be AVAILABLE. Thank you for your participation in LIFE today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Miracle: “an extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause; an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.” Some people say that miracles don’t happen anymore. I'm not one of those people. I believe miracles happen EVERY day; we’ve just developed sophisticated ways of explaining them away... A child’s cancer simply disappears; a hopeless addict puts down the pipe; a gangbanger chooses love over respect; a death row inmate finds a purpose; a marriage on the rocks finds love again; a family in financial ruin finds a way out of the storm... Please don’t try to tell me that God isn’t in the miracle business any more. Just OPEN YOUR EYES today and look at the world through eyes of faith. You’ll be amazed what you find.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Fear vs. Faith

“Don’t be afraid, just BELIEVE. Did I not tell you that IF you believe, you would SEE the glory of God?” It seems to me that fear is the enemy of victory. When we turn our focus and energy to fear, and what we lack, and what we dread, then we remove our powerful attention from what is POSSIBLE and from the source of our miraculous answer. Today I will focus my thoughts, my desires, and my SIGHT on what is unseen, what is possible, and what is PROMISED to me... It turns out to be a much better plan than worry, dread and fear. I hope you set your frequency on faith as well.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


“Everything is possible for him who believes.” That means NOTHING is impossible. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. EVERYTHING; no limits, no boundaries, no ceilings, and the ONLY thing that gets in the way is a lack of faith. So why not go for it? Stretch your imagination, expect a miracle, and put it to the test... What have you got to lose? Oh yeah, and by the way: VERY LITTLE is possible for him who doubts. Miracles are waiting...for the BELIEVERS.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I just returned from spending the day in a Federal Court Room with my young friend, who I have shared about previously. His trial has now become a Federal Case (which you might have heard about in the news) and he is in desperate need of your prayers. I know that many who read this have been affected by violent crime, and this young man has made some serious mistakes in his life; but over the past year, I have witnessed a powerful change within him. He has taken responsibility for his actions, sincerely sought forgiveness, and has now devoted the rest of his life to helping kids choose a better way... Please pray for his redemption-- I truly believe that he still has some very important work to do down here.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Original: “arising or proceeding independently of anything else; created, undertaken, or presented for the first time; an original work, as opposed to any copy or imitation; fresh and unusual.” Aren’t you glad that we’re all assorted and unique? How boring would it be if we were all alike, just a bunch of clones and robots? But we’re not; each one of us is wildly individual, and there’s NEVER been another just like you. You are the EXACT combination of molecules, DNA, soul, spirit and energy that the world needs; and you have been put here at JUST the right time, and at JUST the right place, in order to fulfill your intended purpose. The fun part? Trying to find out what that is... Dig deep and figure it out— but for heaven’s sake, don’t be unoriginal (you were born to stand out).

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Stubborn Dreamers

What EXACTLY do you want today? What would happen if you set ALL of your focus, attention, energy, determination and desire on THAT and that alone... Removing all distractions, worry, excuses, complaining and fear— what if you went after that target like you’ve gone after every other thing in your life that you REALLY wanted? All your passion, zeal and fervor focused like a laser beam on one deliberate pursuit… Do you really think you’d be denied? We usually get what we REALLY want, because we’re willing to do whatever it takes. The problem comes as we get older and begin to explain away our dreams and desires... Here’s to all you Stubborn Dreamers out there who refuse to take NO for an answer. Salute!

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Once upon a time, a man fell into a large pit. Unable to climb out, he began to yell for help. The first to come along was a doctor. He wrote him a prescription, dropped it into the hole and went on his way. Next, along came a priest. He offered up a prayer, and continued on down the road. Then a teacher happened upon the man. He wrote an assignment, dropped it into the pit, and simply walked on… Then a FRIEND came along, and he jumped into the hole with the man. “Now why did you go and do that?” the man said, “now we’re both stuck.” Then the friend replied “I’ve been in THIS hole before, and I know the way out.” How can we really help anyone if we don’t fall into a few holes along the way? Keep your head up, there IS a plan.

Catch it, come along, pass it on.

It's all about LOVE.

I imagine as we look back over our lives, the thing that will stand out the most is LOVE; who you loved, what you loved and who loved you... There are different types of love: the protective love of a parent for a child; the “puppy love” in high school; the mature love of a seasoned marriage; the enduring love of a best friend; the faithful love of a dog; the exhilarating love of a new relationship; the adoring love of a child for a parent; the unique love of a grandparent for a new born; the unequaled love of God... If it’s all about love (and I believe it is) then maybe we should focus some of our valuable time and energy on it TODAY. Pick up the phone, write a note, or just drop by and tell someone “I love you.” It very well might be the most important thing you do all day.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Just be YOU.

Today, just be the “you” that you WISH to be... Walk tall, laugh loudly, give much, feel deeply, listen long, hug closely, love sincere, speak boldly, play hard, live richly, and be ALIVE. You’ll be amazed at what you find: you’ll find in yourself, a MUCH better person than you ever dreamed yourself to be... Enjoy THIS day (for it’s the only one you truly ever have).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Redemption Song

Redemption: “deliverance or rescue; repurchase, as of something sold; reclaimed upon payment of ransom.” I love that beautiful Bob Marley anthem “Redemption Song.” It reminds me of MY rescue. I was delivered, purchased, brought back from captivity, and bought at a price… I’ll never forget it, and I LOVE to tell the story. What if ALL those who have been rescued, took a moment to reflect, give thanks, and rededicate themselves today— not out of duty, but out of sheer gratitude. How would that change your world? Sing your “Songs of Freedom” today; sing it loud and strong… Sing it like you MEAN it.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Perseverance: “steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state; especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.” I spent time last night with about 100 men at the Atlanta Union Mission who personify perseverance. Through many trials and hardships, they keep getting back up and coming BACK (and because of that, they keep getting stronger, tougher, and better prepared to handle life’s storms). It works that way for all of us: the longer we hang in, following our dream, learning from our mistakes, rebounding from failure, rising from defeat— we get more resilient, and become the seasoned, mature, complete people we were intended to be. The tough times make us into the Champions we long to be. (That’s why “Rocky” is the greatest movie of all time, right?)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I'm on my way to see a good friend this morning... The word that comes to mind is "transformation". The change that I have witnessed in his life is more dramatic than that of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. He has spent the better part of the last 12 years on the streets, and sincerely regrets many of the choices he has made. However, now incarcerated, he is doing some very powerful soul work; he has turned his focus and energy toward trying to help kids stay away from gangs and crime. He has begun to write his life story and intends to create a childrens book to help young people find alternatives to the life he chose... I am inspired to believe that ANYONE can change, NO MATTER WHAT-- if they just find the desire.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Target Practice

Opportunities are never lost, they are just found by someone else; typically by those who are PREPARED to notice them… We don’t see with our eyes, but rather our brains. We are bombarded with billions of bits of information every moment, but our minds only become AWARE of what is important and relevant to us (which varies depending on our frame of mind). Fix your thoughts, focus and attention on good news and opportunity, and your brain literally goes to work seeking what it believes is ultra important to you. Obsess on bad news, doom and gloom and— well, you get the picture... Pick your target carefully; we find what we LOOK for (and this is a “target rich” environment.)

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Our brains have developed to be somewhat obsessive. If we didn’t obsess to some extent, then we would have a hard time concentrating, paying attention or staying on task. The problem comes when obsession becomes chronic or compulsive, but a healthy brain IS obsessive to a degree... So, what will you “obsess” on today? Why not CHOOSE to obsess on a thought or idea that serves you? “I have plenty of everything that I need; life is good; I feel great; Good things ALWAYS happen to me.” (You get the picture) The mind has the powerful ability to begin to CREATE or FIND what you give your focus and attention to, so why not make it a “Healthy Obsession.” Or not, it's up to you.

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Life is meant to be LIVED... Some avoid it, put it off, fight it, resist it, or just put up with it-- while all the while, it's meant to be lived! Life is one continuous, live, adventurous, present moment, and the more we engage in the ride, the more we understand how fascinating and thrilling it really is... If everything went your way, ALL of the time, wouldn't you be bored and spoiled? Here's to all those who choose to ENGAGE and give it their all today-- I'll see you out on the field.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


How would your life be different if you eliminated, say, 90% of your fear? Just imagine life free from fear. It limits us in so many ways: fear of the future, fear of strangers, fear of failure, fear of financial loss or economic disaster, fear of potential health problems, and the list goes on and on… Psychologists tell us that 99% of the things that we fear NEVER come to pass— so why should we obsess on things that aren’t even real? Makes more sense to focus your very valuable time, energy and attention on what you desire and wish to create (things outside of your control will carry on whether you worry about them or not). I’d just rather choose a life strategy free from worry and fear and focus on my dreams and desires— of course, if worry, fear and doubt work for you, then knock yourself out!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Living life On Purpose

Will you live life today by accident (default) or On Purpose? Intention: I will set clearly defined goals for what I will find and accomplish TODAY... Affirmation: I will remind myself throughout the day of who I really AM and of the power that I possess... Vision: I will keep a crystal clear picture in my mind of where I intend to go and my personal and collective mission... Intention, affirmation and vision: strategies of a life lived “On Purpose”. Care to join me?

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Come Alive

At the end of a long life lived, people tend to look back and remember the things they did (good and bad) but regret the things they DIDN’T do. Life is short… Go ahead and do the thing that stirs your passion today. Bag the sophisticated excuses, safety nets, and back doors— do what makes you come ALIVE (because the world desperately needs people who have “come alive”).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Appreciate: “to be grateful or thankful for; to value, regard highly, or place a high estimate on; to be fully conscious of, aware of, or detect; to raise in value.” Who will we appreciate today? How about the one who waits on you and delivers your meal? What about parking attendant, or the cashier? How about the one bagging groceries or the man who takes your garbage away… It feels SO good to be appreciated; as a matter of fact, it can change someone’s day— even the course of their life, if it rarely happens to THEM. Make someone’s day today; appreciate someone who might need it a little more than the next guy. You never know, it could make ALL the difference.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

New Beginnings

Snow in Georgia... We don’t get to see it very often, especially a bright blanket like the one that we see this morning: fresh, clean, and glistening in the morning sunshine. It reminds me of new beginnings; everything wiped clean, with a brand new start... Can you imagine if we didn’t have new beginnings every day? No dusk or dawn; no sunrise or sunset; no restful break to renew and recover? But we DO. Every day we wake up anew... Make the most of it: leave yesterday behind— with all of its victories, defeats, pleasure, pain, success and sorrows. Start today FRESH and BRAND NEW—the way it was meant to be... A “Do Over!”

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Opportunity: “an appropriate or favorable time or occasion; a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal; a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.” How many “open doors” do you think we walk by every day? I mean the ones that we don’t notice, or that our minds aren’t PREPARED to see: people who have our answer; clients who really need what we have to offer; prospects who fit exactly what we’re looking for; or simply much desired, answered prayers… We must prepare our minds to find what we are looking for— the answers are literally all around us. (What I seek is already seeking me— I hope it “finds” you today.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Mind's Eye

In your mind’s eye, imagine yourself on the most wonderful day of your life. The best “You” that you’ve ever been: your eyes clear, bright and focused; your mind sharp, alert and creative; your body sleek, strong and capable; your spirit alive, strong and vibrant; see yourself running and laughing uncontrollably... Got the picture? Now take a long, hard look into the eyes of that person, which is the BEST and HIGHEST version of you— burn that image into your vision… Now go and give that beautiful, talented, unique and exceptional person to the world today (and forget all that other “clutter” that does not serve you). Salute!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Gratitude is SO powerful. Through it, everything seems to make sense... Difficulties are opportunities for growth; failures are merely momentary setbacks; suffering is a chance to dig down and find a deeper, more authentic part of yourself. Without it, nothing makes much sense. Failures appear final; people are viewed as threats; and hope seems to fade… My wish for you today, is a day filled with GRATITUDE. Just give thanks: for your family, or your health, for your job, or a friend; or just the opportunity to have another day. The peace we seek sometimes hides in gratitude.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Focus: “to concentrate attention or energy; a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity; a condition in which something can be clearly apprehended or perceived.” Many things will come into my awareness today; some good and some not so good. People, circumstances, opportunities, obstacles, victories and defeats... Whatever gets my very valuable attention WILL expand, because whatever I FOCUS on begins to grow. Therefore, as my good friend Dr. Bob says: “Don’t be like the kamikaze pilot who flew 37 missions.” Pick your target carefully, and stick with it.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Great time last night with my wife, kids and some really good friends— laughing, cheering, eating, and listening to the kids laugh and play (the best thing about the game was the company). It doesn’t get much better than that... The big news: our oldest son Justin and his wife Jen are expecting— I’m gonna be a Grandpa! Today I am grateful for all that God continues to do. It’s not all fun, and it’s not always easy, but life IS good and I will walk in gratitude and joy today... I hope you find some too.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I’m looking forward to my time up at Hays State Prison today… About 100 men out of the 1200 in the general population will be with us, trying to change and become better men. I believe that some will come out one day and make a positive difference in the world-- some will not... Many people in the “free world” will try to make a difference today as well-- some will not. (We ALL get to choose—let us choose wisely.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Serendipity: “an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident; good fortune, luck.” Perhaps making “desirable discoveries” is really no accident at all. We've all stumbled into a space from time to time, where everything just seems to flow: thoughts come easy, energy is high, relationships are smooth, and good news just seems to show up— athletes call it being in the Zone... What if “the zone” is a state of awareness that we can access at will? Lebron, Kobe, Peyton, Phelps and others seem to get there more times than not (and it seems to transcend mere talent). Here’s to finding your groove today, and staying in it for a while. (and I’m pretty sure worrying isn’t the secret pathway to “The Zone”) --Try expecting what you seek.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.