Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World

Just be YOU.

Today, just be the “you” that you WISH to be... Walk tall, laugh loudly, give much, feel deeply, listen long, hug closely, love sincere, speak boldly, play hard, live richly, and be ALIVE. You’ll be amazed at what you find: you’ll find in yourself, a MUCH better person than you ever dreamed yourself to be... Enjoy THIS day (for it’s the only one you truly ever have).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Redemption Song

Redemption: “deliverance or rescue; repurchase, as of something sold; reclaimed upon payment of ransom.” I love that beautiful Bob Marley anthem “Redemption Song.” It reminds me of MY rescue. I was delivered, purchased, brought back from captivity, and bought at a price… I’ll never forget it, and I LOVE to tell the story. What if ALL those who have been rescued, took a moment to reflect, give thanks, and rededicate themselves today— not out of duty, but out of sheer gratitude. How would that change your world? Sing your “Songs of Freedom” today; sing it loud and strong… Sing it like you MEAN it.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Perseverance: “steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state; especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.” I spent time last night with about 100 men at the Atlanta Union Mission who personify perseverance. Through many trials and hardships, they keep getting back up and coming BACK (and because of that, they keep getting stronger, tougher, and better prepared to handle life’s storms). It works that way for all of us: the longer we hang in, following our dream, learning from our mistakes, rebounding from failure, rising from defeat— we get more resilient, and become the seasoned, mature, complete people we were intended to be. The tough times make us into the Champions we long to be. (That’s why “Rocky” is the greatest movie of all time, right?)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I'm on my way to see a good friend this morning... The word that comes to mind is "transformation". The change that I have witnessed in his life is more dramatic than that of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. He has spent the better part of the last 12 years on the streets, and sincerely regrets many of the choices he has made. However, now incarcerated, he is doing some very powerful soul work; he has turned his focus and energy toward trying to help kids stay away from gangs and crime. He has begun to write his life story and intends to create a childrens book to help young people find alternatives to the life he chose... I am inspired to believe that ANYONE can change, NO MATTER WHAT-- if they just find the desire.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Target Practice

Opportunities are never lost, they are just found by someone else; typically by those who are PREPARED to notice them… We don’t see with our eyes, but rather our brains. We are bombarded with billions of bits of information every moment, but our minds only become AWARE of what is important and relevant to us (which varies depending on our frame of mind). Fix your thoughts, focus and attention on good news and opportunity, and your brain literally goes to work seeking what it believes is ultra important to you. Obsess on bad news, doom and gloom and— well, you get the picture... Pick your target carefully; we find what we LOOK for (and this is a “target rich” environment.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Our brains have developed to be somewhat obsessive. If we didn’t obsess to some extent, then we would have a hard time concentrating, paying attention or staying on task. The problem comes when obsession becomes chronic or compulsive, but a healthy brain IS obsessive to a degree... So, what will you “obsess” on today? Why not CHOOSE to obsess on a thought or idea that serves you? “I have plenty of everything that I need; life is good; I feel great; Good things ALWAYS happen to me.” (You get the picture) The mind has the powerful ability to begin to CREATE or FIND what you give your focus and attention to, so why not make it a “Healthy Obsession.” Or not, it's up to you.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Life is meant to be LIVED... Some avoid it, put it off, fight it, resist it, or just put up with it-- while all the while, it's meant to be lived! Life is one continuous, live, adventurous, present moment, and the more we engage in the ride, the more we understand how fascinating and thrilling it really is... If everything went your way, ALL of the time, wouldn't you be bored and spoiled? Here's to all those who choose to ENGAGE and give it their all today-- I'll see you out on the field.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


How would your life be different if you eliminated, say, 90% of your fear? Just imagine life free from fear. It limits us in so many ways: fear of the future, fear of strangers, fear of failure, fear of financial loss or economic disaster, fear of potential health problems, and the list goes on and on… Psychologists tell us that 99% of the things that we fear NEVER come to pass— so why should we obsess on things that aren’t even real? Makes more sense to focus your very valuable time, energy and attention on what you desire and wish to create (things outside of your control will carry on whether you worry about them or not). I’d just rather choose a life strategy free from worry and fear and focus on my dreams and desires— of course, if worry, fear and doubt work for you, then knock yourself out!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Living life On Purpose

Will you live life today by accident (default) or On Purpose? Intention: I will set clearly defined goals for what I will find and accomplish TODAY... Affirmation: I will remind myself throughout the day of who I really AM and of the power that I possess... Vision: I will keep a crystal clear picture in my mind of where I intend to go and my personal and collective mission... Intention, affirmation and vision: strategies of a life lived “On Purpose”. Care to join me?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Come Alive

At the end of a long life lived, people tend to look back and remember the things they did (good and bad) but regret the things they DIDN’T do. Life is short… Go ahead and do the thing that stirs your passion today. Bag the sophisticated excuses, safety nets, and back doors— do what makes you come ALIVE (because the world desperately needs people who have “come alive”).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Appreciate: “to be grateful or thankful for; to value, regard highly, or place a high estimate on; to be fully conscious of, aware of, or detect; to raise in value.” Who will we appreciate today? How about the one who waits on you and delivers your meal? What about parking attendant, or the cashier? How about the one bagging groceries or the man who takes your garbage away… It feels SO good to be appreciated; as a matter of fact, it can change someone’s day— even the course of their life, if it rarely happens to THEM. Make someone’s day today; appreciate someone who might need it a little more than the next guy. You never know, it could make ALL the difference.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

New Beginnings

Snow in Georgia... We don’t get to see it very often, especially a bright blanket like the one that we see this morning: fresh, clean, and glistening in the morning sunshine. It reminds me of new beginnings; everything wiped clean, with a brand new start... Can you imagine if we didn’t have new beginnings every day? No dusk or dawn; no sunrise or sunset; no restful break to renew and recover? But we DO. Every day we wake up anew... Make the most of it: leave yesterday behind— with all of its victories, defeats, pleasure, pain, success and sorrows. Start today FRESH and BRAND NEW—the way it was meant to be... A “Do Over!”

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Opportunity: “an appropriate or favorable time or occasion; a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal; a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.” How many “open doors” do you think we walk by every day? I mean the ones that we don’t notice, or that our minds aren’t PREPARED to see: people who have our answer; clients who really need what we have to offer; prospects who fit exactly what we’re looking for; or simply much desired, answered prayers… We must prepare our minds to find what we are looking for— the answers are literally all around us. (What I seek is already seeking me— I hope it “finds” you today.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Mind's Eye

In your mind’s eye, imagine yourself on the most wonderful day of your life. The best “You” that you’ve ever been: your eyes clear, bright and focused; your mind sharp, alert and creative; your body sleek, strong and capable; your spirit alive, strong and vibrant; see yourself running and laughing uncontrollably... Got the picture? Now take a long, hard look into the eyes of that person, which is the BEST and HIGHEST version of you— burn that image into your vision… Now go and give that beautiful, talented, unique and exceptional person to the world today (and forget all that other “clutter” that does not serve you). Salute!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Gratitude is SO powerful. Through it, everything seems to make sense... Difficulties are opportunities for growth; failures are merely momentary setbacks; suffering is a chance to dig down and find a deeper, more authentic part of yourself. Without it, nothing makes much sense. Failures appear final; people are viewed as threats; and hope seems to fade… My wish for you today, is a day filled with GRATITUDE. Just give thanks: for your family, or your health, for your job, or a friend; or just the opportunity to have another day. The peace we seek sometimes hides in gratitude.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Focus: “to concentrate attention or energy; a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity; a condition in which something can be clearly apprehended or perceived.” Many things will come into my awareness today; some good and some not so good. People, circumstances, opportunities, obstacles, victories and defeats... Whatever gets my very valuable attention WILL expand, because whatever I FOCUS on begins to grow. Therefore, as my good friend Dr. Bob says: “Don’t be like the kamikaze pilot who flew 37 missions.” Pick your target carefully, and stick with it.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Great time last night with my wife, kids and some really good friends— laughing, cheering, eating, and listening to the kids laugh and play (the best thing about the game was the company). It doesn’t get much better than that... The big news: our oldest son Justin and his wife Jen are expecting— I’m gonna be a Grandpa! Today I am grateful for all that God continues to do. It’s not all fun, and it’s not always easy, but life IS good and I will walk in gratitude and joy today... I hope you find some too.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I’m looking forward to my time up at Hays State Prison today… About 100 men out of the 1200 in the general population will be with us, trying to change and become better men. I believe that some will come out one day and make a positive difference in the world-- some will not... Many people in the “free world” will try to make a difference today as well-- some will not. (We ALL get to choose—let us choose wisely.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Serendipity: “an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident; good fortune, luck.” Perhaps making “desirable discoveries” is really no accident at all. We've all stumbled into a space from time to time, where everything just seems to flow: thoughts come easy, energy is high, relationships are smooth, and good news just seems to show up— athletes call it being in the Zone... What if “the zone” is a state of awareness that we can access at will? Lebron, Kobe, Peyton, Phelps and others seem to get there more times than not (and it seems to transcend mere talent). Here’s to finding your groove today, and staying in it for a while. (and I’m pretty sure worrying isn’t the secret pathway to “The Zone”) --Try expecting what you seek.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Future is Bright

The future is bright… Don’t believe all the hype: people telling you how bad the market is; how dark the world is; how terrible people have become. Typically, those people are either addicted to drama, selling something, or just stuck in a rut and seeing the world through a dismal lens... The present (which is all we ever have) is what you DECIDE to make it, and has nothing more to do with circumstances than what you allow. Regardless of external events, I have the power to choose how I see reality: and I say, the future is BRIGHT. (So for me, it is. Care to join me?)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Resistance: “A force that tends to oppose or retard motion; opposition, obstinacy, defiance, intransigence.” Stress is at an all-time high, and it continues to rise. Stress is a killer: it's been linked to all of the leading causes of death-- heart disease, cancer, accidents and suicide. If we continually resist what we cannot control, the product is stress; we remain in a perpetual state of “fight or flight” and the body continues to over-produce adrenaline and cortisol (both can be harmful if unchecked). However, if we ACCEPT what we cannot control, and ENGAGE in positively changing the things that we can, peace and serenity flow into our lives… So RELAX; it might just save your life.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Light at the end of the tunnel...

Think of a time when you were at the end of your rope, back against the wall, with seemingly no way out. Then just the right person showed up at just the right time, with a solution, an answer, a special gift, and showed you the way through… If you feel like you’re in that place right now, just keep LOOKING for the light at the end of the tunnel (a way out is ALWAYS provided). If you’re not in that place, just keep looking for the person who needs your help— perhaps YOU are just the right person, at just the right time, with just the right gift, walking into that tunnel with a light.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


The highlight of last night’s Grammies for me was when Andrea Bocelli and Mary J. Blige sang “Bridge Over Troubled Water” for Haiti; it was absolutely electrifying (the tribute to Michael Jackson by Smokey Robinson and friends was also very powerful). When I see someone giving their gift with passion and enthusiasm, it moves me... Imagine our planet if EVERYONE was giving their special gift to another— what a wonderful world it would be. Why not give something away today? Who knows, you might receive the most of all.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.