Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World


What a day yesterday... We took 18 teen age boys to Hays State Prison for a tour, which included an hour long talk given by two of the inmates. These two men grew up in the "system" because gangs and drugs had stolen their youth and innocence. Their talk about the "choices" that led them to Ga's toughest prison will not be soon forgotten by these young men. Neither will they forget their trip down to the "hole" (special management unit) and what they saw and heard there. These two gifted inmates (and friends) did some important and meaningful work yesterday... Don't forget them.


We have the power to create the day that we desire. Thoughts, beliefs, words, moods and actions are creative and extremely powerful. Set clear intentions, positive affirmations and visualize where you want to go today, who you want to meet and EXACTLY what you intend to accomplish. Quarantine and release thoughts that do not serve your purpose, and continue to SPEAK about what you are in the process of creating and manifesting in your life. (Worry, doubt, stress and fear have NO part in this process). Now, let it be DONE.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


We're taking a group of teen boys from our church on a youth tour to Hays State Prison this Wednesday. These aren't "troubled" kids, and they are doing well. But someday soon they will ALL be tempted to put themselves into a situation that could get them in trouble or put them in harm's way. Our kids see, hear, and experience things at a much younger age than we did growing up. My hope is that this tour and the things they see and hear this week will make them think twice before they get into that car, just "try it once" or consider crossing that line. Good kids get caught up in bad situations all the time-- we just need to do our best to prepare them to make the right choice when that day arrives.

Brothers In Arms

Got together yesterday with a group of my brothers and best friends to work out a disagreement. After a couple of hours we were more unified, stronger and closer than we were before the conflict. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." I am honored and grateful to have these men in my life-- we have each other's back. (and I'd go into battle with each and every one of them)


Routine: “an unvarying and constantly repeated formula, as of speech or action; convenient or predictable response; regular, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure.” There’s nothing wrong with routines; in fact, we need routines in order to be efficient, effective and productive. However, sometimes routines turn into “Ruts.” Keep doing what you’ve always done, and you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. (Take a risk today. Try something new, or do something old in a NEW way— it’ll change your perspective)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

My Boy

My son went with me to speak at the Atlanta Union Mission last night. He connected so well with the guys there. On the way home he told me that he can't wait until he's old enough to go into the prisons with me to work with the men there. I can't tell you how proud I am of him-- at 15 he's already developing a heart for helping those who long to be free (that's not exactly where my head was at that age). God is SO good.


I'm looking forward to speaking to all of the MCA's for the KW Southeast Region this afternoon. The subject: "STRESS." Stress is more of an internal battle than an external reality. Whatever I RESIST, I strengthen; whatever I focus on EXPANDS. So today I will make a conscious decision to release the things that do not make me stronger and better, and to give my valuable attention to the things that I want MORE of in my life. (When I do that, stress tends to take care of itself)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Real You

Imagine yourself EXACTLY the way that you wish to be. I mean the absolute BEST version of you... Body fit, eyes clear and sharp, mind focused and relaxed. Healthy and trim, strong and determined. Solid and balanced, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Not worried or stressed, but joyful, peaceful and resolute. Now hold that vision for a moment, FOCUS and imprint it onto your brain-- take a snap shot. Got the picture? That picture IS you. It’s the real you, without anything to clutter you up. It’s the YOU that’s waiting to be revealed. You just have to spend time creating yourself, like you just did. That powerful picture can change your life; you just have to remember to pull it up from your mind’s eye and look at it throughout the day. (Release the REAL you)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Who Are You

"You’re awesome. You can do anything that you set your mind to. Nothing can stop you. When God made you, He broke the mold. You’re gifted. You’re intelligent. You have everything you need. You are JUST RIGHT. All you need to do is believe in yourself, and you can be whatever you want to be." That’s what we tell our kids when they’re growing up. But somewhere along the way the doubt sets in, and we begin to listen to a different message. “You’re no good. You’ll never amount to anything. Why even try. You’re a failure.” The words you use and the way you address yourself today will go a long way to determining what you receive and ultimately experience in your life. Manage your self-talk, respect yourself, and you remove the LIMITS.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Star Burst

Deep thoughts (I mean REALLY deep)... A billion years ago a star dies and explodes into a powerful burst of light energy. That light travels at 186,000 miles per second for a billion years before it finally reaches our planet, and we see it as one of many stars in the night sky. That star didn’t really die then, a billion years ago, did it? Energy just changed forms (into pure light) and began to travel— very fast. As a matter of fact, that light is STILL traveling at the same speed, as it stretches the known Universe. So the question is: does that star EVER really die? Hmmmm...

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Scared Straight

I'm on my way up to the prison to watch an inmate and good friend teach troubled youth in this maximum security prison’s version of “Scared Straight.” He has done significant “time” but used it to better himself. He has become a good speaker and developed some useful skills, which will serve him well upon his release (which will be soon). People CAN change, and many do. Excuses are typically for people who are not interested in being transformed and set free (and I'm not referring to those behind bars).

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Independence: “freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others; the state or quality of being independent.” It’s hard to imagine this great nation being dependent on anyone. In this great land of ours people are FREE to think, speak, work, live and act in a manner that seems right to them. The pursuit of liberty and happiness is our God given right. But that right didn't come cheap. Many people have paid a heavy price so that you and I can boldly express the freedom that we enjoy. We should show some gratitude this weekend and honor those past and present who sacrificed, so that we can follow our dreams-- whatever they may be. Most people in the world don’t enjoy such freedom. Salute!

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional: “complete, unqualified, categorical; not limited by conditions, absolute.” We live in a world ruled by CONDITIONS. Our schools, jobs, sports, military, even our churches: play by the rules, stay between the lines, do things the right way-- and you’ll get what you want. Work hard and you’ll get ahead; arrive early, stay late and you’ll get promoted; don’t break the rules and you’ll be rewarded... But LOVE is not supposed to work that way. We ALL want love to be unconditional. We all need for love to be freely given— especially if it’s undeserved. Love somebody today who needs it, but doesn’t DESERVE it. It’ll set you free.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.