Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World

Your Story

Who could YOU inspire today? Everyone has a story, everyone carries a wound, and everyone has the the ability to heal-- if they're willing to share themselves... The key lies in resonance and synchronicity. Be present, look for signs and then share with those who show up and need what you have. Freely give and watch the magic happen; it's electric.


Imagination and Vision are incredible gifts given to us by our Creator. Almost a third of our brain is devoted to "Vision." Why do you think that is the case? We use it ALL the time, but many are unaware when they are exercising one their most important creative "muscles." Daydreaming, worrying, irrational fear, and dread are active imaginations, and very creative and powerful. Why not just flip the script? Actively engage your imagination and vision today around what you desire, what you wish and what you believe in... Either way you're going to use it today, so why not use it to co-create the life of your dreams, rather than re-occurring nightmares. Just Believe.


Our brains are constantly reshaping and rewiring themselves based on our thoughts, desires, memories and experiences. The way you and I interpret the world in the PRESENT moment has a profound and dynamic effect on how our brains reconnect and redesign our internal hardware. This process happens until the day we pass on... The moral of the story? Guard your mind today and protect your head space. Use your brain today-- don't let it use you. It will if you let it. Unobserved, it will be forced to replay old material and worn out tapes that do not serve you. Pay attention and come alive.


Today your focus will make ALL the difference. Whatever gets and holds your very valuable attention will determine what you create, design and discover today-- in the present moment. Fear, worry and doubt are the enemy to so many people for the lives that they wish to live. Without realizing it, so many develop patterns and habits of worry and dread and become so used to it, that they do not even realize it when it is present. The habit must be broken. Pay attention to your thoughts today. Learn how to use your brain, and stop letting it use you. Be aware-- that is half the battle. Purposely plant thoughts of plenty rather than lack; faith rather than fear; and gratitude rather than doubt. Protect your most valuable possession-- your BRAIN--"your three and a half pound universe."


Today is a NEW Day, and I will NEVER be the same... Your body and brain, chemically, biologically, electro-magnetically, and at the most fundamental quantum level, are in a constant state of CHANGE. Every year of your life, the vast majority of your body is brand new, having replaced itself again and again throughout the span of your life-- technically, you are actually quite YOUNG. Your brain is ALWAYS rewiring and reprogramming itself based on your thoughts and the way you see your world... So, if you're going to change today anyway, why not make it a strong, powerful, positive change? You might as well-- or not, your choice. But either way, you ARE changing. (Make today count-- it's all you ever have)

The Catalyst

Today, January 15th, is a VERY significant day for me... It is the day my father passed in 1988, which radically changed my life. It is the day we started our first Peace Movement in our first maximum security prison in 2011, which radically changed my life again. And it just so happens to be Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, and he radically began changing my life way back in 1990... Interestingly, it also happens to be the birthday of the artist who designed the tattoo that I got to signify it all-- something I didn't find out until she was in the middle of it! January 15th... and TODAY is the day that my business partners and I signed the legal paperwork launching "The Power of Peace Productions, Inc." Coincidence? I think not. (and Thursday night we launch The Catalyst Network TV Show-- "Unshackled: Taking Love & Light into Dark & Dangerous Places.") God is SO Good.


I enjoyed a very productive face to face "sit down" with the Warden in one of the prisons where we serve this morning, and he stated: "We (the administration) are now meeting with the gang leaders here twice a week and making real progress. We didn't used to do that-- we learned it from The Power of Peace Project. You guys are making a real difference here." I am SO excited to see what God is doing. The progress is not always visible, but every now and then, He gives us a glimpse. I sure am having a blast watching HIM work...


Would you consider yourself a Seeker? Most of us like to think of ourselves as being OPEN to what is right, what is best and what is next. But in order to be a true Seeker, you must first be willing to honestly say "I don't know, and I need help." Those are things that are very hard for some of us to express sincerely (and out loud!)... Just try it: "I am wrong. I am sorry. I need some help. Please give me direction." Ooh, it might not taste good coming out of your mouth, but it'll set you free. Say it like you mean it, say it often, say it again, say it until you FIND your way back home. Say it!


Search for what you DESIRE today. Look for it until you find it. Look intently for signs of the way that you WISH things could be. Look for hidden potential and LIGHT inside of people that you don't typically care for, because it is surely there. YOU can find treasure today too; you find what you LOOK for. I'm not asking you to do something that I’m not going to do today. I'm on my way to search for "buried treasure" inside of a maximum security prison-- and I'll let you know what I find there...You'll find GOLD in the most unexpected places; but first you must SEEK it.


Attitude Science Tip for the Day: Your inner being is like a projector. What you are on the INSIDE projects out onto the world. When you see something in another that you really admire, it's because that good in you is resonating with what you are witnessing in them. Conversely, when we are irritated by someone else's behavior, it is most likely because something unresolved inside of us is reacting to that same thing that we are recognizing in the other... When you are tempted to get upset today because of something OUTSIDE of you, check yourself first-- maybe you're not mad at THEM after all... And when you see something that you love today be encouraged, because you couldn't SEE it if you didn't already possess it.

Miracle Time

Miracles: the Unexpected and Unexplainable... You start feeling better without an explanation; the perfect solution to your problem just "shows up" out of nowhere; that right person that you need right now walks out of the elevator; a check shows up in the mail unexpected; the phone rings right as you begin to think about that person you're worried about; the doctor says you're pregnant when they've already said "no way." You're five minutes late leaving the house and then arrive on the scene of an accident that just happened FIVE minutes before; the sun breaks through the clouds in the middle of a terrible storm; your spouse says they forgive you when there seemed no chance of that ever happening again; your teenager comes out of the funk and actually asks a spiritual question... Need I go on? Miracles happen EVERY day ALL around us. Pay attention to what gets your attention today. Could it be that all the wrong things are grabbing your "headlines" and you're missing out on the miraculous right in front of you? Just Watch.

Break Through

Another amazing day at the maximum security prison where MIRACLES happen... A high ranking leader of one of the most powerful gangs stated publicly at our Power of Peace Project Meeting: "The violence is no longer as much between warring gangs, which is huge progress; now it is mostly inside our own organizations, and we just need to deal with it appropriately-- and we have the power to do that." You have no idea what a BIG statement that was, especially spoken in front of other leaders who used to be his enemies. We have shifted into a new phase, as we ALL seek lasting peace in this dark and dangerous place... God is definitely up to something.


I really hesitated whether to post this, but I feel compelled to give the credit, honor and glory to Whom it is due; and just maybe somebody out there needs to hear it… I'm a happy man today, and I am now into my 8th year without a drink of alcohol. It almost took everything I had back in 2004-- as it did in 1988 when it took my dear father's life. Today, I don't feel the need to use alcohol; besides, my life has plenty of laughter, excitement and thrills without it! It is also one of the greatest gifts that I can give my family-- especially my children: Sobriety. Yes, I'm a Happy, Joyous and Free man today, and TRULY Blessed. (and NONE of the credit is mine-- only the mistakes) I wish you the same.


Alright, it's time... Time to let it go, it's over. Time to swallow your pride and say you’re sorry. Time to get up and try one more time. Time to pick up the phone and reach out to your adversary. Time to bag your sophisticated excuse and do that thing that has been haunting you. Time to make the first move and reconcile that relationship, build that bridge, mend that fence, and begin once again... It's TIME. You know it is! You've been talking about it for way too long, thinking about it until its all thought out-- time to ACT. Why carry that tired, old baggage into this Brand New Year? No better time than right NOW. Do it; do it today; do it this minute; but Do It... Pick up the phone, it'll set you free.