Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World

Walk a Mile

Walk a mile in another man’s shoes, and then you’ll be able to see what he REALLY needs... We live in a world that feels the need to label and judge and to put just about everything into nice, tight, separate little boxes. Its human nature: much easier to categorize people into “those people” and “them” which allows me just to deal with me and “mine.” The problem is that nobody really fits into any of these little boxes. Life’s not neat and ordered like that. EVERYONE has a story. Nobody just woke up one day and went to prison, or chose the streets, or got addicted. It's a process, and everyone has reasons for what they do and where they stand. Let’s care enough to walk alongside them before we judge. Then we can see what they REALLY need. (That is, if we really care.)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.