Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World

How Tough?

How tough are you? How big are your dreams; how deep is your desire; how strong is your HEART? Excuse-making, rationalization, justification and fear are going to try to kill your dreams today (or you might just be tempted to let someone else get to it). Are your dreams tougher than those distracting imposters? I hope so... Life is short and dreams make all the difference— so make yours a big one, toughen up, and GET AFTER IT.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


A good friend of mine was released from Hays State Prison yesterday on parole. He has done good work in there over the past few years (he's been incarcerated for about 15 of his 35 years), and he appears ready to not only get out, but to STAY out. He became one of the trusted inmates that would speak to the troubled kids that tour this maximum security facility (and he has a real gift). He has taught them what life is like in there, what got him there, and how to stay OUT of there. Now guess what he wants to do with his life: teach, coach and mentor kids-- and I have just the place for him. (you see, we're ALL connected and we ALL just need a little help)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Dream and GO

You can do WHATEVER you set your mind on today. Be WHO you're intended to be, go WHERE you are called to go, and do WHAT is deep in your heart to do. Just be bold and very courageous... "You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up." (That's not just good advice for the kids)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Ask, Seek and Knock

What if you could waive your magic wand, and create the life of your dreams… Experience what you wish to experience, go where you want to go, and do what your heart’s desire is to do. Perhaps we’ll get to the end and discover that we experienced basically what we desired and what we set our intention and focus upon; and that our creator meant it when He said “Ask, seek and knock.” What I think about, I begin to dwell upon. What I dwell on generates emotion. Emotion sets in and becomes a mood. That mood begins to change my vibrational energy, and then I begin to ATTRACT similar energies. Suddenly I am surrounded by things and people that compliment my original thought pattern… The lesson for me today: take note and decide carefully as to what will get my valuable attention— it may very well become my future reality.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


I LOVE life. It’s a fascinating, adventurous, never dull, exhilarating ride. So much to learn, so many to meet, SO much to do... Don’t be dragged down by the “walk of the living dead” today. Rather engage them, and inject them with LIFE. It doesn’t take much: a small spark sets the whole forest ablaze. (Live life today, and continue to be amazed by the mystery in the little things— that’s the good stuff)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

True Freedom

Yesterday I began a new program that I am helping with at Hays State Prison. They are one of seven Georgia State Prisons that have developed a “Faith and Character Based Program” in order to help rehabilitate offenders (with the goal being to reduce violence in the prison and reduce recidivism for those who get back into the free world). Currently three out of every four who leave Hays re-offend and return. That is unacceptable. So yesterday they allowed me to begin my program in the dorm (this is the first time that they have allowed an outside volunteer to actually work inside the dorm on a regular basis). I am so excited and faithful that God is going to continue His good work in this place— and I’m thrilled that I’m in position to witness it. Men will be set FREE. (even if they never actually walk out from behind those walls)

The Answer

People are angry and confused. They’re tired and running out of fuel. Tempers flare and fuses are getting shorter and shorter. Where’s the peace that is promised? For many it is elusive, fleeting or absolutely non-existent... There is an answer, a real solution. It’s not a philosophy, a self-help plan or a get-rich-quick scheme. There’s no easy fix or medication for the problem that persists. He’s the real deal; the hope, the answer, the dream, the cure... He’s the only way, and the only one that can truly set you free. I tried booze and drugs and money and people and popularity— but nothing ever lasted. Always the same: hungry, angry, lonely and tired. What does this world need? A genuine Superstar. Say His name.

Butterfly Effect

The term "Butterfly Effect" is related to the work of Edward Lorenz. In 1961, Lorenz was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction, when as a shortcut on a number in the sequence, he entered the decimal .506 instead of entering the full .506127. The result was a completely different weather scenario. The Butterfly Effect is a metaphor that illustrates the possibility that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can set off a reaction that can actually alter weather patterns around the world... In the same way, OUR actions today will drastically alter the course of events forever. One conversation, gesture, act of service, favor, or chance meeting will begin a seemingly random chain of events that will create our future reality. The hesitation or reluctance to act will have different, but just as powerful ramifications. So let us choose WISELY today, and love our neighbors.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Present and Available

Somebody needs you today… Somebody will look to you for some encouragement, a kind word, an attentive ear, an extra buck, or just a timely smile. They NEED it more than you know. You might be the only one that can deliver it to them today, in just the way that you can. The question isn’t whether or not you will be needed and called upon today; the question is whether you will be PRESENT and AVAILABLE. I hope so, because somebody needs you today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Universe

“Do you believe that the Universe is a friendly place?” Einstein said that this is the most important question a person can ask him or herself (and your answer will determine SO many things about your life). If the Universe is a FRIENDLY place, then you believe it is a place of abundance, prosperity, possibility, opportunity and love; where LIFE always finds a way. However, sadly, many will live this day focused on lack, scarcity, fear, and loss (as if life were an enemy). If the Universe is a friendly place, then failures are never final and mistakes are never fatal— just building blocks and stepping stones along this fascinating adventure. Friend or Foe? Your choice will have much to say about what you ultimately FIND today.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


If someone secretly followed you around all day with a hidden camera, and then showed that short film to a studio audience (who didn't know you from Adam), what would they conclude was most important to you? What would be the beliefs, values and convictions that would stand out to an objective observer? I know that sometimes I get caught up in the “urgent” and miss the very important things in life. Our legacy will be the things (and more importantly the PEOPLE) that we devoted ourselves to that REALLY mattered to us; that which will survive and outlive us... I’ll try to make today count. You?

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.


Belief: “a principle, proposition or idea accepted as true; something believed, an opinion or conviction; confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.” Many times a belief is nothing more than a thought that has been rolled through the mind so many times that it becomes accepted as truth (though it may not be true at all). How many times have you felt something very strongly, only to later learn that it wasn’t so? Challenge your beliefs today. You may find that things aren’t always as they seem.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

The Blame Game

Is it me, or has the “Victim Mentality” spun completely out of control in our society. Blame shifting, excuse making, rationalizing and justifying have become the norm for most. To find someone who takes full responsibility for their lot in life, apologizes sincerely when in the wrong, and makes amends when they are able is more and more rare in today’s world. For the most part, EVERYTHING that I have in my life today (and everything that isn’t here) is the result of a choice, decision or desire on MY part. No one else is to blame for the trouble, hardship or struggles that I have found. That awareness brings power and responsibility into my life today. I have the power to CHOOSE. Let us choose wisely, accept the consequences, and quit trying to find someone else to blame. Have a good day.

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.

Project Karma

What a great night last night at Cafe Circa! A wonderful group of people came together, the silent auction was a hit; great art, music, spoken word, food and fun... However, what was most important was that we raised awareness and support for the youth in our city who are still at risk and in danger. Many of them will choose gangs because they haven't learned how to grieve and heal their wounds. That's where Project Karma steps in... Thanks Alesia for an inspiring evening. Keep up the GREAT work!


I love a great story: movies, books, songs, plays— I just love a great story... That's why I'm so fascinated with the human experience. EVERYONE has a unique, one of a kind, never been done before STORY. And that’s why we shouldn’t prejudge; because you NEVER know what another person has been through without walking a mile in their shoes. I believe that we should honor, respect and value the other guy’s story. Maybe we should even care enough to get close and listen to what they’ve been through and where they’ve come from. Who knows— you might just learn something, get another perspective, or even gain a new FRIEND. Why not look for some inspiration in the wonderful stories you see today. (they don’t always come from the theaters or the bookshelves)

Catch it, come alive, pass it on.