Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World

True Freedom

Yesterday I began a new program that I am helping with at Hays State Prison. They are one of seven Georgia State Prisons that have developed a “Faith and Character Based Program” in order to help rehabilitate offenders (with the goal being to reduce violence in the prison and reduce recidivism for those who get back into the free world). Currently three out of every four who leave Hays re-offend and return. That is unacceptable. So yesterday they allowed me to begin my program in the dorm (this is the first time that they have allowed an outside volunteer to actually work inside the dorm on a regular basis). I am so excited and faithful that God is going to continue His good work in this place— and I’m thrilled that I’m in position to witness it. Men will be set FREE. (even if they never actually walk out from behind those walls)