Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World
The Catalyst
Today, January 15th, is a VERY significant day for me... It is the day my father passed in 1988, which radically changed my life. It is the day we started our first Peace Movement in our first maximum security prison in 2011, which radically changed my life again. And it just so happens to be Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, and he radically began changing my life way back in 1990... Interestingly, it also happens to be the birthday of the artist who designed the tattoo that I got to signify it all-- something I didn't find out until she was in the middle of it! January 15th... and TODAY is the day that my business partners and I signed the legal paperwork launching "The Power of Peace Productions, Inc." Coincidence? I think not. (and Thursday night we launch The Catalyst Network TV Show-- "Unshackled: Taking Love & Light into Dark & Dangerous Places.") God is SO Good.