Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World
A great day at Hays State Prison today... One of the high lites of our "Peace at Hays Meeting" was the sharing of good news about how the Peace Movement is gaining momentum: The men in C-1 Dorm pulled together some money and purchased a large quantity of store goods. They sent the items to D-2, which is one of the most dangerous dorms on the compound. This act of good will was done to encourage those inmates in D-2 that need peace, and to make a charitable gesture as an act of good faith-- one of the dorms that has been behaving the worst was able to enjoy a "feast" today, because of their brothers who are behaving the best... When it was announced, all the men broke into applause. Then we spoke about what motivated the men of C-1 to make such an unselfish decision and how other dorms should imitate their faith... Peace is on the move at Hays. Stay tuned.