Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World
Kit's "Attitude Science" Tip: Pay attention to what bothers you in other people today. Typically what ticks me off about you is what is still unresolved inside of ME. Maybe I'm not mad at you, but rather myself? If your behavior can steal my peace, than thats on ME, not you... It's all about what's INSIDE that matters: squeeze a lemon and what comes out? Lemon Juice... Squeeze a man, and whatever comes out is what's inside of him-- a man under pressure will show you what he's made of. If stress, anger, rage, or violence comes out whenever he is "squeezed" then it's time for some INSIDE work and healing... See life as a big screen today and YOU are the projector. Whatever you possess on the inside, you will project onto the world. I wish you all the PEACE that you can handle.
Amazing Peace
What an amazing day at Hays State Prison in North Georgia… Considered the #1 Gang Prison in the State of Georgia, and right in the middle of a state-wide “Gang War” in the prison system, we were able to take 41 at-risk, inner city high school boys up there for a day that they will NEVER forget. Although there was a killing at one of the other prisons just yesterday because of this war, Hays is running smoothly and peacefully because of the “Peace at Hays” leadership that has been raised up through The Power of Peace Project. Two of our inmate leaders delivered a powerful and inspirational testimony to the group, and then we took them on a tour down to “The Hole.” This Special Management Unit is where convicts are sent when they get into trouble, or need protective custody to stay alive. These young men spent about 20 minutes back there. While all the cells were locked, the inmates could still see them and yelled whatever they wanted, as the boys stood in line. Some shouted threats, others invitations, and some tried to talk some SENSE into them. Our “Inspired Straight” program includes a bit of “Scared Straight” to get their attention, and it WORKS… On the way out the Lieutenant, who runs much of the security at this camp, said that the current Peace at Hays was due to our program. Actually, it is due to God’s power and intervention, but I am thrilled to be a part of something that is changing this “Little World.” Please pray for these Warriors of Peace!
Peace Makers
I'm SO proud of the men in white on the "inside" where our Power of Peace Project is alive and active (in a maximum security facility in North, GA). There is a gang war that has most state prisons in GA currently on lock-down. The "Men of Peace" leaders at our prison have said NO to the war, and YES to Peace-- they are now off of lock-down, and there is peace on the compound presently... Please pray that peace remains-- what these convicts are doing is truly historic.
Deep Waters
Kit's Attitude Science Tip... Throughout the day today, your sub-conscious mind is going to run 95-97% of your processes-- and that's a good thing: can you imagine if you had to concentrate to breathe, digest, heart-beat, etc? The conscious brain can handle around 40 bits of information per second, while the sub-conscious can handle 40 MILLION bits per second! We all carry "mental messages" that we picked up along the way, that live deep in the sub-conscious mind. It matters very little if they are true, but rather if they made a powerful, emotional impact on us earlier in life, and were engraved DEEP into our memory. These messages are VERY important: "You'll never amount to anything. You're just like your father. You're stupid. Things never work out for you." -- just to name a few... The secret is to get involved in the conversation that you will have with YOURSELF throughout the day and reprogram those tapes-- you know, the endless, repetitive chatter in the brain? Pay attention and you'll begin to hear that "internal dialogue" and the mental messaging that you carry deep within you. Challenge the thoughts that make their way into your conscious mind today, and replace them with strong, powerful affirmations that ARE true: "Things ALWAYS work out for me. I always finish strong. I AM a child of God." Replace "Old Programs" that aren't true and do not work with the TRUTH-- it'll set you FREE.
Built-In Search Engine
The brain is designed to "look for" specific things that it has been trained to "see" as important to YOU, much like Google-- what you put into search is what it "finds" for you (in the sub-conscious). For years, we have trained the brain to find relevant, personalized information based on attention, repetition, and focus. That is why the EXACT model of the car you are shopping for begins to immediately "show up" all over town; we've all experienced that phenomenon... Be careful what gets and keeps your valuable attention today, because your brain will find more of it tomorrow: if you play four hours of Grand Theft Auto in the morning, listen to a few hours of Gangster Rap in the afternoon, capped off by a couple hours watching Jersey Shore in the evening, don't be surprised when "Drama" keeps showing up in your life! Watch what you put IN, because that "download" will continue to FIND you. (You wouldn't get mad at Google now, would you?)
Attitude: "The way that I see life; my relationship with the present moment; the LENS through which I see the world." Gratitude is a very powerful lens-- it has the power to change everything. No matter what the circumstances are that I find myself in, if I can find a reason to be grateful, then those circumstances have the potential to CHANGE... I pray that you can find your gratitude today, for it is so very precious: for your family, your health, shelter, food, the air you breathe, your freedom. I bet you can find something... It's that little "something" that is the great Game-Changer, and the seed for the hope that you REALLY need. Find it and hold on to it... Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours today.
The world is SO beautiful... With so much going on in politics, the middle east, hurricane season, and the general global crisis, many have missed the beauty that is ALL around them EVERY day. Today just open your eyes and SEE it: In your children, in your spouse, in your neighborhood, in the changing of the leaves, in the sunset, in the stars, in the rain, and even in your neighbor's heart (if you care to look). Please don't miss the BEAUTY today-- they say "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder." Today I will CHOOSE to behold MUCH beauty in everything and everyone that I see. That is MY decision-- will you join me? Much Love, Kit
Think of an "Impossible Dream." Now consider what makes it impossible... Is it impossible for everyone? (Ex: Sailing across an ocean, when EVERYONE believed the world was flat; putting a man on the moon; breaking the four minute mile, etc...) Perhaps it is only impossible for YOU. The one who will do that VERY thing that you just dreamed about, is the one who puts aside excuses, doubts, fears, and the worries about what everyone "else" thinks, and just gets BUSY, with laser-beam focus on THEIR Dream. What if Michael Phelps would have listened to everyone that told him 8 Gold Medals was impossible? The only person that mattered was Michael, and what MICHAEL thought (and what price he was willing to pay)... Now what is YOUR Dream? Say it; Say it out loud; Say it often; until you make it so.
Second Chances
Great event in Dalton this morning (they laughed and cried and cheered)... This program is for first time convicted felons, who have ONE shot to complete this two year "Drug Court" program. If they do not graduate, then they go to prison. Period. It is a wonderful partnership-- because I DO NOT want to see any of these young people up the road at the prisons where we serve-- none of them are "built for it" yet... Maybe we can interrupt and redirect-- that is our powerful intention. I LOVE this program for Second Chances! (We all need a second chance sometimes)
The Power of Peace Project
I am writing you because you have generously and graciously supported "The Power of Peace Project" over these past couple of years, as God has led us into some amazing places and He continues to open doors for this very important ministry to "the least of these." I have seen Him take us into prisons in Georgia, Ohio, California, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, South Africa, and soon to be Mexico! He has taken us to inner city schools in Georgia, Tennessee, California, Arkansas, and soon in Jersey City (next week!). We are seeing incredible transformations, as gang-bangers, criminals, desperate souls, AND their rivals are turning to PEACE, and striving to find a better way. God has given us an amazing gift and we continue to share it with this dark and dangerous world as we go along, and continue to learn-- but I believe we are just getting started...
97% of these men WILL come home some day-- sooner or later, and they will come home to OUR communities. We intend to send them home as Peace-Makers. These kids that are hitting the streets in alarming numbers are ALREADY in our communities, and we intend to provide the mentoring that they so desperately need-- the mentoring they are not getting from their fathers, uncles and big brothers who are already in the prisons where we serve. We could use your help...
I am not asking you to go into these dangerous places with us. However, if you BELIEVE in what we are doing, then I am asking you to GIVE. I believe that spiritual people want to give, and they DO give. It's just a matter of to whom you will give your very valuable financial support. I'm asking if you will consider The Power of Peace Ministries, Inc. (501c3). Your donations are tax-deductible, and your gift will help a "father turn back to his son, and a son choose a different path than his father chose."
If you are receiving this, then you either have given to us in the past (Thank You!) or you have shown your support through cards, emails, social media, or much needed prayers. In three weeks, we will be going into some of the most dangerous prisons in the world, in Mexico. This past Summer, some of you stepped up and helped me go to South Africa, which changed my life and the course of this work forever. This Mexico trip promises to be just as life-changing or more-- but I need YOUR help.
Please pray about supporting this work-- it is the passionate work of our lives, and we cannot do it without support from spiritual "Angels" like you. God bless you, and please keep us in your prayers! (Please see below for instructions on HOW to give, and please blast this out to someone who cares about this misguided, young generation.)
Please visit and click on DONATE-- and give what God puts on your heart to give.
"We are not only trying to protect the bullied, but to transform the BULLY."
Much Love,
Kit Cummings
Founder & Executive Director
The Power of Peace Ministries, Inc
Whatever we resist, we STRENGTHEN. So why spend most of your energy today in "active resistance" (where most of your stress comes from, by the way). You'll see people all day long fighting things that they have absolutely no control over, and driving THEMSELVES crazy: the traffic, the weather, the economy, the election, and many other people, places, and things... Accept the things that have already happened-- yesterday is History. Surrender to the things that you cannot control-- tomorrow is a Mystery. Go to work effecting CHANGE in the only space that you are truly given: right here and right NOW, with yourself. (Worry about YOUR side of the street-- the rest has a way of taking care of itself.)
It’s all about perspective… I know an inmate that is perhaps the most grateful man in the prison. He is partially blind in his right eye, and deaf in his right ear. He cannot talk very well and has a heavy, broken English accent. Years ago, he took a life and was so grief stricken that he turned the gun on himself. He fired point blank under his chin, and the bullet went up under his eye, through his inner ear, and out the back of his head. Amazingly he survived… He ALWAYS tells me how much he loves God, and how much he loves me. I asked him why he was so happy and grateful. He told me that he did three years inside a Vietnamese prison when he was a teenager, and that this “Georgia Time” was the easiest he had ever done, and that it had led him to God (and this prison is the toughest in the state). Gratitude typically depends on perspective. Can you find reason to be grateful today? It’ll change YOUR world too.
Take a moment and imagine your life EXACTLY the way that you wish for it to be... Your health, your career, your mate, your money, your body, your home, your family, your spirituality, your attitude, your emotions, your mind... an on, and on. Now take a mental "snapshot" of the YOU that you truly long to be. Can you see it? Burn that image into your mind's eye... Now GO and make it so. (But you must deal with your FAVORITE weak excuse that just popped up, for that is your only true enemy). It's YOUR world, and HE has given you dominion over it-- act like it.
Don't Quit
When it gets a little tougher, do not quit... When the storm comes, don't you quit... When you feel a little under the weather, don't quit... When everybody thinks you're crazy, don't you DARE quit... When you think you can't go on, don't give up... When you've got nothing left in the tank, just dig a little deeper... No matter what: never, never, never, EVER quit. Your miracle is right around the next turn-- can you feel it? (I can-- so if you need a little extra faith, just borrow some of mine, you can always pay me back later-- all it takes is a mustard seed!) Now go FIND your miracle. And one more thing: DON'T QUIT.
I'm SO excited, I just booked my trip: I'll be preaching inside two Mexican prisons in Puebla Dec 5--10th, speaking on Mexican Television, and teaching at a Leadership Conference in Mexico City... Can't wait! (I still need "Peace Angels" to help invest in the trip, if you are interested) Peace!
All Things
I have become ALL things to ALL men... To the Jew, the Greek, the Muslim, the Buddhist, the Hindu, the Atheist, the Republican, the Democrat, the Gangster, the Alternative Life, the Homeless, the Addict, the Misfit, the Enemy, the Forgotten
, the Less Than... Aren't you exhausted by trying to prove RIGHT all the time? I am no better, and no worse. I will become like my Brother, walk a mile with him, and listen, learn, and LOVE-- with NO agenda. Period. Love is my Religion, and today I am FREE... (Jesus teaches me this)
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