Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World

Built-In Search Engine

The brain is designed to "look for" specific things that it has been trained to "see" as important to YOU, much like Google-- what you put into search is what it "finds" for you (in the sub-conscious). For years, we have trained the brain to find relevant, personalized information based on attention, repetition, and focus. That is why the EXACT model of the car you are shopping for begins to immediately "show up" all over town; we've all experienced that phenomenon... Be careful what gets and keeps your valuable attention today, because your brain will find more of it tomorrow: if you play four hours of Grand Theft Auto in the morning, listen to a few hours of Gangster Rap in the afternoon, capped off by a couple hours watching Jersey Shore in the evening, don't be surprised when "Drama" keeps showing up in your life! Watch what you put IN, because that "download" will continue to FIND you. (You wouldn't get mad at Google now, would you?)