Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World


Now’s the time to begin to create your New Year’s Resolution; one that will STICK… Make a firm decision of something specific that you are GOING to change. Write it down. Create an affirmation around it, write it out and display it somewhere that you will see regularly. Begin to repeat this new “Power Thought” throughout the day, as if it has ALREADY been accomplished (get ridiculously familiar with the phrase and “wear it out” in your mind). Share your new conviction with someone you trust, who will hold you supportively accountable. Now take at least ONE step today that demonstrates your commitment to accomplishing your goal. Do something good for yourself as a reward for taking that all important first step… Now, EVERY night, end your day visualizing yourself living victoriously in this area of your life— SEE it every night as you go to sleep (the last thought in your mind as you fall asleep is what the brain will work on while you rest). DO NOT be afraid to share your new commitment with as many people as you like— as a matter of fact, shout it from the rooftops… Unless of course you are planning to fail and want to keep it to yourself as a “way out” –-your call. You CAN do this. (pass it on)