Adjusting the Lens Through Which You See the World


Kit's "Attitude Science" Tip: Pay attention to what bothers you in other people today. Typically what ticks me off about you is what is still unresolved inside of ME. Maybe I'm not mad at you, but rather myself? If your behavior can steal my peace, than thats on ME, not you... It's all about what's INSIDE that matters: squeeze a lemon and what comes out? Lemon Juice... Squeeze a man, and whatever comes out is what's inside of him-- a man under pressure will show you what he's made of. If stress, anger, rage, or violence comes out whenever he is "squeezed" then it's time for some INSIDE work and healing... See life as a big screen today and YOU are the projector. Whatever you possess on the inside, you will project onto the world. I wish you all the PEACE that you can handle.